On Mon Feb 05, 2001 at 10:43:08AM -0500, Sean Middleditch wrote:

> > https://qa.mandrakesoft.com/
> Ah, OK.  Couldn't find a link to that anywhere... sorry.

No problem.

> > This isn't really a problem with MandrakeUpdate (well, there could be
> > two schools of thought on this).  The problem is that libcups wasn't
> > previously installed.  This is because the update was based off a
> > version in unsupported which in turn was a 7.2 rebuild based off a
> > cooker RPM, which has "libified" everything.  This will be corrected
> > tomorrow with "proper 7.2 packages" so this will not be an issue.
> > Sorry to everyone whom this affected... my test machine had the
> > unsupported RPMs installed (ie. libcups was already installed), so I
> > didn't catch this myself.
> Ah, so there are no plans for MandrakeUpdate to support proper
> dependencies?  I am under the assumtpion that apt-rpm will be used in the
> next Mandrake (since it's being used in Cooker), so I suppose putting too
> much work into the current MandrakeUpdate may be a bit of waste.  ^,^

Well, apt is in contribs as far as I know, and not in main, so it's
not a "supported" tool (so to speak).  I don't know if there are plans
to make apt a default tool for rpm installation, or if MandrakeUpdate
will become more apt-like.  I haven't personally tried apt, and I'm
not the author/maintainer of MU so I don't really know.

> Will the next major release use apt-rpm, or at least have an Updater with
> proper dependencies?  That would make things a *lot* easier.  ^,^  Getting
> MandrakeUpdate as is to deal with dependencies for uninstalled packages
> would be nice, since it simply uses FTP and doesn't require package lists
> to be built (or so I'm assuming, for what I've seen).  This would be great
> to 'update' from un-official online archives, like the FreezerBurn list of
> back-ported packages from Cooker.

I think it would be a good idea, and I do like the idea of having
dependencies resolved automatically the way apt does it.

> Just my opinions, anyways.  ^,^
> Thanks for the answer to my other question!

You're welcome.

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