I thought MDA was "Mail Delivery Agent" like procmail...
not an MTA "Mail Transport Agent" like sendmail/postfix/qmail/Exim

still, by default, my fetchmail automatically passes mail onto my MTA
(mdk8.1) so
I didn't have to set that up..

did you use fetchmailconf to set it up?  if not, try it, its very good. I
used it the first few times, then I learned the lingo so to speak from
reading what it wrote, now I don't need it.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mario da Costa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2002 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] fetchmail problem

Hello Skippi,
looks like you have a sendmail problem. what happens is fetchmail
after downloading the mail passes it on to an mda like sendmail. to
check whether this is infact your problem try the using the "--mda
/bin/cat",  "--keep" and the "--fetchlimit 1" options. if you can then
read your first email on the screen, then the problem lies in your mda


Skippi wrote:
> Howdy all.  Here is the deal.  I am currently doing email in Linux using
> Spruce & that is working just fine.  I want to migrate to Pygmy.  Here is
> the rub.  Pygmy needs an external program to fetch mail.  So I have been
> trying to set up fetchmail, but it's not syncronizeing with the servers
> where my accounts are at.  It's connecting, it's seeing mail is there, but
> can not pull it in.  I've been to the fetchmail homepage & check the FAQ &
> How-To posted there, but they are not helping -- or if the answer is there
> I'm not finding it.
> I am using Mandrake 7.2.  Internet connection works, email works with
> programs.  I am trying to pick up mail from 2 different servers.  The
> timeout was originally 300 seconds, I bumped it down to 30 seconds just to
> speed things up but still got the same errors at 300 seconds, which made
> guess that a longer timeout setting was not the solution.
> here is my fetchmail config file, with my passwords replaced with the word
> "password":
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> # Configuration created Mon Feb  4 18:51:41 2002 by fetchmailconf
> set postmaster "skippi"
> set nobouncemail
> set properties ""
> poll 204eastsouth.com via 204eastsouth.com
>  with proto POP3 timeout 30 and options no dns
>        user 'skippi' there with password 'password' is skippi here options
> fetchall warnings 3600
>     antispam 571 550 501 554
> poll lamar.colostate.edu timeout 30 and options no dns
>        user 'skippi' there with password 'password' is skippi here options
> fetchall warnings 3600
>     antispam 571 550 501 554
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> and here is the output of my attempt to run fetchmail:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> fetchmail: 5.5.2 querying 204eastsouth.com (protocol POP3) at Mon, 04 Feb
> 2002 20:59:01 -0700 (MST)
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK POP3 204eastsouth.com v2000.70rh server ready
> fetchmail: POP3> USER skippi
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK User name accepted, password please
> fetchmail: POP3> PASS *
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK Mailbox open, 1 messages
> fetchmail: POP3> STAT
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK 1 12064
> 1 message for skippi at 204eastsouth.com (12064 octets).
> fetchmail: POP3> LIST
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK Mailbox scan listing follows
> fetchmail: POP3< 1 12064
> fetchmail: POP3< .
> fetchmail: POP3> RETR 1
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK 12064 octets
> reading message 1 of 1 (12064 octets)
> fetchmail: timeout after 30 seconds waiting for listener to respond.
> fetchmail: Query status=7 (ERROR)
> fetchmail: 5.5.2 querying lamar.colostate.edu (protocol auto) at Mon, 04
> Feb 2002 20:59:36 -0700 (MST)
> fetchmail: 5.5.2 querying lamar.colostate.edu (protocol IMAP) at Mon, 04
> Feb 2002 20:59:36 -0700 (MST)
> fetchmail: IMAP< * OK lamar.colostate.edu IMAP4rev1 v10.234 server ready
> fetchmail: IMAP> A0001 CAPABILITY
> fetchmail: IMAP< A0001 OK CAPABILITY completed
> fetchmail: IMAP> A0002 LOGIN "skippi" "*"
> fetchmail: IMAP< A0002 OK LOGIN completed
> fetchmail: IMAP> A0003 SELECT "INBOX"
> fetchmail: IMAP< * 1 EXISTS
> fetchmail: IMAP< * 0 RECENT
> fetchmail: IMAP< * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1003279062] UID validity status
> fetchmail: IMAP< * OK [UIDNEXT 161] Predicted next UID
> fetchmail: IMAP< * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen)
> fetchmail: IMAP< * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\* \Answered \Flagged \Deleted
> \Draft \Seen)] Permanent flags
> fetchmail: IMAP< A0003 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed
> 1 message (1 seen) for skippi at lamar.colostate.edu.
> fetchmail: IMAP> A0004 FETCH 1 RFC822.SIZE
> fetchmail: IMAP< * 1 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 12217)
> fetchmail: IMAP< A0004 OK FETCH completed
> fetchmail: IMAP> A0005 FETCH 1 RFC822.HEADER
> fetchmail: IMAP< * 1 FETCH (RFC822.HEADER {856}
> reading message 1 of 1 (856 header octets)
> fetchmail: timeout after 30 seconds waiting for listener to respond.
> fetchmail: 5.5.2 querying lamar.colostate.edu (protocol POP3) at Mon, 04
> Feb 2002 21:00:09 -0700 (MST)
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK POP3 lamar.colostate.edu v4.47 server ready
> fetchmail: POP3> USER skippi
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK User name accepted, password please
> fetchmail: POP3> PASS *
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK Mailbox open, 1 messages
> fetchmail: POP3> STAT
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK 1 12229
> 1 message for skippi at lamar.colostate.edu (12229 octets).
> fetchmail: POP3> LIST
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK Mailbox scan listing follows
> fetchmail: POP3< 1 12229
> fetchmail: POP3< .
> fetchmail: POP3> RETR 1
> fetchmail: POP3< +OK 12229 octets
> reading message 1 of 1 (12229 octets)
> fetchmail: timeout after 30 seconds waiting for listener to respond.
> fetchmail: Query status=7 (ERROR)
> fetchmail: normal termination, status 7
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Any suggestions, clues or ideas?
> Can anyone suggest another program which Pygmy can use to retrieve mail?
> Thanks much for any help.
> Skippi
> --
> -----------------------------------------
> Skippi
>   On The Fly Photography
>     http://204EastSouth.com
> Meditation -- Yoga -- Linux -- Muffins
>   The Secrets of Life
>   Version: 3.12
> GAT d-(?) s: a C++ L++(+++) P E- W++ !N o? K- w--- o@ M+ PS+ PE++ Y+
> PGP- t++@ 5+++ X++ R+ tv-- b++ DI++++ D+ G e+ h+ r- y++
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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