On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 12:59, David Rankin wrote:
> God help us.
>     The poor misguided soul that is so easily led by a slick republican marketing 
> The democrats have in fact fought zealously against allowing an expansion of 
> office power contrary to what is claimed below. When you one day awake and can't 
> health coverage for your family, 

And that is the standard Democratic fear mongering mantra that's intoned
before every election, another Dem doom and gloom election tactic that's
starting to fail, since it's basically bullshat.  BTW, tell me what
cable or TV channel that the "slick republican marketing campaign" was
broadcast on?  CNN? ABC? CBS? BBC? MSNBC?  Tell me how they have
saturated the airwaves with their slick republican marketing.  I am very
interested to know, because I believe it is not *I* that has been
brainwashed having seen those channels.

Power: the dems are not fighting against expansion of executive power,
they are fighting for expansion of their own power.  The attempted
violation of New Jersey election laws by the Democratic party is a prime
example of that, as is "Stonewall" Daschle's block of 50 supreme justice
nominees and economic/home defense bills.  The fear-doom/gloom-negative
campaign mantra is a standard brainwashing tactic of the Dems to retain
senior and welfare recipient votes.  Same tactic used by MicroSoft: 
Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.  Congratulations for continuing to promote
that trend yourself.

> find out that your once constitutionaly guaranteed
> liberties are gone, and that the retirement you thought you had has evaporated, 
>maybe then

Freedom: What constitutional liberties have been protected by the
Democrats?  Let's talk facts here.  The DMCA was a bill proposed by
DEMOCRAT Senator Friz Hollings of South Carolina right after he got an
infusion of cash from Entertainment industry sources and
Microsoft(several tens of thousands, if memory serves), and passed by a
Democratically controlled Senate.  Do you deny that fact?

The CBDTPA (Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act) was
also introduced by Democrat Hollings.  Do you deny that?

Today Americans pay 60c on the dollar for every dollar they make in
taxes.  This was done to us by the pro-goverment Senate-majority
Democrats.  Do you deny that?

What about the attack on the software license behind the Linux operating
system ?  Do you deny that Democrats are not behind that movement, in
light of the following paragraph from the Wired article I posted?

"Earlier this week, three members of the House of Representatives, Adam
Smith (D- Wash.), Ron Kind (D-Wis.) and Jim Davis (D-Fla.), sent a note
to 74 Democrats in Congress attacking Linux's GNU General Public License
(GPL) as a threat to America's "innovation and security."

This above is another totally Democratic action.  And yet Democrats are
protecting our constitutional rights?

Exactly what rights are being protected?  Your right to work in a Dem
-controlled  workers (government or otherwise) union?  Your right not to
be able to defend yourself in your own home? Your right to run only
MicroSoft products?  Your right to be taxed 60 cents on the dollar for
every dollar you make? Your right to be forcefully subjected to a death
tax? Your right to be restricted on what songs you play on YOUR
computer, or what software you run on YOUR computer?  Your right to be
forced to delete Linux from your machine?  What rights are you talking
about here?

> the veil will be lifted and you will see that in voting (R) you have screwed 
>yourself while
> thinking you were liking it all along. Don't fail to see the forest for the trees. 
> and CBDTA are not partisian issues. And, I guarantee you that a knee-jerk reaction
> considering it one will do you far more harm good with the ill-considered 
>consequences that
> will follow.

I agree totally on the knee jerk reaction, because I see it coming from
liberal Democrats, mostly from one of the following sources:

1.) Liberal university Professors of anything

2.) NEA paid for and bought members of the Teachers Union

3.) Anyone internally affiliated with the National Education Association

4.) Anyone internally affiliated with the following news organizations:
        a.) CNN
        b.) CBS
        c.) MSNBC
        d.) ABC
(in other words, most journalists.  Not all, but MOST. Some examples:
Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Dan Rather [Red Dan] )

5.) Anyone internally affiliated with the ACLU (American Civil Liberties

6.) Any Feminist (aka FemiNazi's)

There are turncoat Republicans, don't get me wrong.  Like I said, the
Republican party is not perfect.  However as a whole they are far
superior to the Democratic party ideologically, ethically and actually. 
That's why they don't get equal media attention.  In fact they get
strongly NEGATIVE media attention.

The democratic party is the consummate "Do Nothing" party.  They (the
politicians) publicly endorse ethical standards (but never
congressionally defend them, like human rights), they propose fixing the
economy by raising taxes (which has never historically worked and is not
backed by any sane economic theory that does), they control the media
and the sorry public educational system, they break election laws by
voting with corpses and invalid absentee ballots, they pay poor people
to get onto buses destined for the polls and to vote Democratic, and
they sacrifice national security and the economy in order to promote
their own end goals.  

And lastly, but certainly not least, they BLAME REPUBLICANS for all the
ills and woes of the world through their Liberal-Democratically
controlled MEDIA and FUD tactics. Now they are attacking our Digital
Rights, and Linux itself has been targeted by the Dems for elimination
in the United States; at risk of being obliterated with a DMCA, CBDTPA,
or Palladium bombshell lobbed from the Democratic party.  Well, I say
enough is enough.  Freedom (digital and otherwise) is not a spectator
sport.  If we do nothing, then that is exactly what we will eventually
have. Nothing. It's time to fight.


Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk     Mandrake Linux  8.2
Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdk    Evolution  1.0.2-5mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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