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On Wednesday 29 January 2003 10:27 am, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 08:36 -0600, Chuck Burns wrote:
> > FACT: The French have oil contracts with Iraq.
> Aha! Now we are seeing some real beef. The French have and the US have
> not? (You may recognize that I'm coming down to your level of arguing
> slowly but surely).

There is a little thing of lost oil field control by US oil companies as a 
result of all the Desert Storm, etc, ugliness.  Bush would love nothing more 
than to install a friendly leader in Iraq who would then turn over the oil 
fields in question to their former US oil company "owners".  Ties into both 
Bush's and Cheny's former business partners in the business.

> > FACT: Nearly all the Iraqi weapons are of old Soviet design, where did
> > they get these designs? Russia and her neighbors, under the old USSR
> So let me see, whre we have all old weapons from Russia with love:
> German criminals use them, some dozen countries in Africa use them,
> Pakistan has some, ....

I was on B-52s in Desert Storm.  The Soviet stuff had my attention (I was an 
electronic warfare officer - bomber electronic defensive systems) but the 
only weapons I actually had any fear of were the US-supplied HAWK missile 
systems.  We were geared to deal with Soviet equipment and there is just not 
a lot that can be done to a HAWK missile wrt jamming/spoofing.  

> It all boils down to the situation that Mr. Bush and his followers are
> like a French Terrier dog, getting up on his hindfeet ready to be
> unleashed to get at his prey.

Bush is also in a precarious position, primed to lose the next election for 
sure depending on how it plays out.  He is spending billions of dollars on 
sending troops to the Gulf in preparation for war.  The longer they sit there 
idle, the less effective they become (for soldiers it is just wearying to sit 
around waiting for something to happen - doesn't mean they need to be 
warmongers - I'm not.  It is a matter of fact that the longer you have to sit 
around, the less effective you will be).  Also, the longer they just sit 
there, the more the expenses pile up.  Ding! Ding! Ding!  That is the sound 
of deficits skyrocketing (after 8 years of steady decline under a truly 
intelligent and good, if not libido-riddled, previous president).  If our 
troops have to sit there too long, it will hurt the US financially and, more 
importantly to the current administration, it will hurt chances of 
re-election.  It wont matter if Osama finally is caught and Iraq is crushed 
if it ends up wrecking the US economy for several years - Bush will lose 
re-election.  He can't have that so better to smash Saddam NOW, regardless of 
what almost anybody else things, and get the boys back, reducing the 
financial costs and better ensuring chances of re-election.

Plus, he wants to give his daddy a present.  Stupid kid.

- -- 
Conservatives of all times are adventitious liars.
- - Friedrich Nietzsche.
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