On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 10:36, Praedor Tempus Atrebates wrote:

> There is a little thing of lost oil field control by US oil companies as a 
> result of all the Desert Storm, etc, ugliness.  Bush would love nothing more 
> than to install a friendly leader in Iraq who would then turn over the oil 
> fields in question to their former US oil company "owners".  Ties into both 
> Bush's and Cheny's former business partners in the business.

Your information is speculative and has zero reality.  The oil will be
controlled by a coalition of countries, and not by the US unilaterally. 
You need to watch something else besides the Commie News Network.

> I was on B-52s in Desert Storm.  The Soviet stuff had my attention (I was an 
> electronic warfare officer - bomber electronic defensive systems) but the 
> only weapons I actually had any fear of were the US-supplied HAWK missile 
> systems.  We were geared to deal with Soviet equipment and there is just not 
> a lot that can be done to a HAWK missile wrt jamming/spoofing.  

That's quite impressive, because judging from many of your previous
posts I had you pegged for a child of sixteen or so.

> Bush is also in a precarious position, primed to lose the next election for 
> sure depending on how it plays out.  He is spending billions of dollars on 
> sending troops to the Gulf in preparation for war.  The longer they sit there 
> idle, the less effective they become (for soldiers it is just wearying to sit 
> around waiting for something to happen - doesn't mean they need to be 
> warmongers - I'm not.  It is a matter of fact that the longer you have to sit 
> around, the less effective you will be).  Also, the longer they just sit 
> there, the more the expenses pile up.  Ding! Ding! Ding!  That is the sound 
> of deficits skyrocketing (after 8 years of steady decline under a truly 
> intelligent and good, if not libido-riddled, previous president).  If our 
> troops have to sit there too long, it will hurt the US financially and, more 
> importantly to the current administration, it will hurt chances of 
> re-election.  It wont matter if Osama finally is caught and Iraq is crushed 
> if it ends up wrecking the US economy for several years - Bush will lose 
> re-election.  He can't have that so better to smash Saddam NOW, regardless of 
> what almost anybody else things, and get the boys back, reducing the 
> financial costs and better ensuring chances of re-election.
> Plus, he wants to give his daddy a present.  Stupid kid.

Funny, that last comment is what I think after I finish looking at your
post subject lines.


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