On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 03:54, Chuck Burns wrote:

> We never SIGNED kyoto, because it was nothing more than a ploy to LOOK GOOD to 
> ecologists.  The WORST polluting countries are the 3rd world countries with 
> NO environmental protection agencies, and the Kyoto treaty left them alone, 
> so, of course we didn't sign it.

Chuck, where's your evidence?  Please demonstrate with scientific facts
that 3rd world countries emit more climate change emissions per capita
than 1st world countries.

Big problem: you can't, because you're wrong.

The real story is that the U.S. acted to weaken the Kyoto protocol when
it was being negotiated, then pulled out at the last minute.

I find it difficult to believe the U.S. elite who were behind this ruse
actually love their kids and grand kids in any kind of meaningful way.  
Everyone is going to have to face the consequences of climate change.  


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