I beg your all pardon but I could not keep my fingers away from the
keyboard after such a stupid things written below.

First, Bush (and I put him apart from USA because America, despite
elected him, is greater than that asshole) never signed Kyoto Protocol,
but USA (Clinton) had previously signed an Intention Protocol.  Kyoto was
just to formalise what many nation had agreed before, including Europe,
China and Russia, the other big polluters.
BTW, American democracy is interesting since Al Gore had more votes than
Bush and we shall never know what happen at Jeb Bush's farm (I mean,

Second, despite all technology today, still is USA the biggest, worst,
very far, ever polluting country in all time of Human History.  This is a
fact.  USA is responsible by 25% of the world pollution and has <5% of
world population.

Bush said that a recession would be worst to the world than pollution.
But if we do not have world?

If every human on Earth lived as an American it would be necessary 4
Earths to sustain us.  Nowadays we are consuming 1.2 Earth, so, we are
destroying our world.

I regret that Bush Jr. represents such a great people and nation, but do
you know which American president had the worst I.Q.?

Bush father, who were now surpassed by his son.

Petroleum will finish someday not far from today, and then, who will be the
next? Brazil?  Which has 20% of potable water of the world, or will
America assault Antarctic?

USA has one of the cheapest gasoline among rich countries.  Bush and
Cheney came from Oil Companies.  Have you ask yourself if the reason of
this war is really against terrorism or just to keep oil prices down?

Sharon was reelect in Israel.  I'm really concerned about Americans
doing the same, i.e, keeping that jerk for another term.

Pardon Praedor, but I could not help myself considering this subject over.
However I shall not write anymore about it.

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Chuck Burns wrote:

> So, you think implementing a system that protects US citizens from ICMBs is a
> bad thing? Come down off your high horse.
> Also, when was the last time we broke the Geneva convention? The last war was
> in Desert Storm, and did we torture any of those Iraqi soldiers that
> surrendered without firing a shot? No, I don't think we did. We have ALWAYS
> treated enemy soldiers as well, or better, than the Geneva convention states,
> EVEN when our enemies did not, such as was the case in Vietnam, where our
> troops were tortured with electric shock.  I had a doctor-friend, who was a
> medic back in the Vietnam war, who was captured, during a VC raid on a
> hospital compound..  They beat him so severely that, to this day, he speaks
> with a weak and raspy voice almost like a whisper, because his larynx was
> nearly destroyed, but he is still a good doctor.
> We never SIGNED Kyoto, because it was nothing more than a ploy to LOOK GOOD to
> ecologists.  The WORST polluting countries are the 3rd world countries with
> NO environmental protection agencies, and the Kyoto treaty left them alone,
> so, of course we didn't sign it.

Alan Wilter S. da Silva
 Laboratório de Física Biológica
  Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
   Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
    Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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