On Sat Feb 08, 2003 at 02:07:40AM -0600, Vox wrote:

> > Agreed.  It's pretty solid.  I did manage to hang my cooker box once or
> > twice, but hey, it's cooker.  I expect this sort of stuff
> > occassionally.
>   I locked my cooker box tonight...after 60 days of uptime (power went
>   out, no UPS...lost around 30 or 40 days on that)...finally decided
>   to move stuff to the second 120gig HD I got...for some reason,
>   diskdrake didn't like the hdh disk...it didn't complain about hdg
>   (exactly the same model)...I fdisk/mkfs'ed hdh by hand and it
>   worked...but diskdrake ate my X...which tends to lock kboard and
>   mouse when you run the nvidia drivers...so hard reboot :( But...it's
>   my first lockup since I moved to cooker circa 8.2b1

It was strange.  I was copying an ISO from one partition to another (two
separate drives) and it hung.  Tried it again later, and moved 3 ISOs in
succession without a burp.  Very odd.  I usually find cooker to be quite
stable, but I tend to go this cycle:  install release version, wait until
after cooker has settled down (gcc/glibc upgrades), track cooker during the
beta period, do a fresh install when the release is out.  I have to have a
semi-stable system, and don't sync with cooker daily... so I tend to take
this route.  Upgrades are really simple even with a fresh install.  Soon
I'll be setting up CVS so I can commit the entire /etc directory to CVS then
on an upgrade I can do stuff like "cvs co" or "cvs diff" to find the
differences.  Should be an interesting project.

> > Yup.  I would be Win-free, except for EverQuest.  I hear it's coming out for
> > the Mac soon, which would be great, except the Mac version won't be able to
> > interact with the Win version, meaning separate servers.  Meaning starting
> > all over again.  =(  I'll keep my 5GB Win2k partition specifically to play
> > it.  My Wintendo, as it were.
>   Uhm...I've heard you can run EverCrack on WineX and play well, with
>   a few details (some sounds or some crap like that...I don't play
>   EverCrack :) google is your friend :)

If I'm going to sit down and play EQ, i want it to work 100%... =)  I've
tried WineX, and while it's ok, doesn't really play to well on my
workstation with it's odd dual-head setup (2MB PCI video card and a 16MB
AGP).  It's caused strange issues for me in the past.  So I've got one
machine that is a f/t cooker machine that dual-boots win2k.  It's helpful
for the odd time i need to run win software (not often) or testing stuff
like samba.

> > So there is *one* good thing about Windows, for me.  =)
>   Nah, if you can WineX it, you don't need windows :)
>   Vox, who loves his WC3 and D2 on winex :)

I play WC3 and D2 on my mac, so I'm not worried about that... =)  WineX is
alright, and it's been cool to play with, but when I play on my Linux
workstation, which isn't often, I usually play the older Loki games I've
got... except SimCity3000 doesn't want to run on cooker for some reason...
haven't explored that one yet tho.

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