On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 23:35:17 -0800 Dave Laird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Good evening, everyone...

Good morning...  sorta.

> On Friday 07 February 2003 09:47 pm, Vincent Danen wrote:
> > On Sat Feb 08, 2003 at 12:10:59AM -0500, Mark Weaver wrote:
> > > In my experience you've got to try pretty damn hard to break
> > > Mandrake linux. For getting work done there's just no comparison
> > > between windows and Linux. the two of them don't even belong in the
> > > same breath let alone in the same ball park. and I'm not bashing
> > > windows just for the sake of it. My workstation at work dual boots
> > > win2K and Mandrake Linux. While I hacking out code for something at
> > > work I'm running Mandrake. My boss runs win98...he has to reboot
> > > sometimes 3-4 times...I just keep working. If I wouldn'tn have to
> > > interact with the accounting system I wouldn't have to boot back
> > > into windows at all.
> I was going to simply let this thread slide on by my workstation and
> keep my mouth shut, as it's Friday, and I am exhausted after a 60+ hour
> week. Then I remembered my little "chart", and after finding it in the
> archive directory, and reviewing the results of nearly two years of
> comparitive studies and constant testing, particularly with regard to
> Windows XP versus Mandrake 9.0, I simply *had* to say something. 

Slide by...  Ditto...  my "little chart" consisted of updating
/etc/reason4reboot on every version since about 7.2 -- sadly, 9.0 has been
rebooted so many times that I gave up on this ritual.

> Between a huge volume of e-mail, plus constant involvement in various
> other writing projects, programming in Perl and Delphi and various other
> forms of database development, I would say I probably am as hard on a
> workstation as anyone else. For a fortunately brief period of time each
> year, I have performed quality analyses on two other workstations
> powered by Microsoft products and my own workstation running Mandrake.
> There is *not* a year but what the Mandrake box has handily won, but
> this year neither of the XP boxes stood a chance when it came to the
> race for efficiency. 

My laptop is always running 8 desktops, 3 users locally (3 sylpheed (7
accounts), 3 gnucash (avg 2 accounts open)), remote ssh'ed to 2 other
users on my server (w/X sessions), a common galeon (3 windows with around
15 tabs open), several emacs windows (6 at the moment), 2 korganizers,
ZERO ohphone (never fixed), etc.

> Here is a tiny sample:
> Current Uptime:      Windows 2 days 6 hours    Mandrake 14 months 9 days

    Windows = not used since 1998
    Mdk 8.2 = 85 days (SCSI tight loop lockup)
    Mdk 9.0 = reboot instead of suspend/resume which requires hard reset

> Mean average:         Windows 2+ days      Mandrake 13 months+

    My Windows record was 6 crashes in 1 hour
     -- had around 15 (IIRC) troubles open with M$ at the time.

> Last forced reboot   Windows 2 days        Mandrake NEVER

    Windows (pre-mid-98) -- duh!
    Mdk 8.2 and prior -- rare
    Mdk 9.0 -- several times per day until 'trigger' found to be

> Time consumed in last patch/upgrade:
>               Windows 3.2 hours           Mandrake .75 hours (45 mins)

    "last" Mdk -- 5 mins

> Viruses/worms       Windows (2)           Mandrake 0

    None on any OS (lucky I guess)
    Hacked once -- Caldera evaluation

> Catastrophic faults Windows 9     Mandrake 0

    Windows -- led to a heart attack 
    Mdk 8.2 -- still have one system down
    Mdk 9.0 -- ext3 seems to be saving my bacon

> (failures which required user intervention and loss of use)
> Here's an anomaly that stands out:
> Most productive version of each brand:
> Windows 98


> Mandrake 8.2 and up

   Mdk 8.2 and PRIOR

> I keep the Windows machines running only because the corporate databases
> are written entirely in FoxBase, but we are slowly beginning to phase
> that out in favor of Kylix, which means within the next year database
> development will be moved entirely to Mandrake workstations. 

I run NO Windows machines and will not support anyone else doing so -- I
help my sister with her MS (multiple-sclerosis) consulting business -- she
got tired of M$ crashes and asked me to install Linux 2 years ago.

> To be politically-correct, I am not here to bash Windows. However, given
> the number of times the Windows boxes have been patched and upgraded, I
> still cannot seem to do better than 2 or 3 days uptime before one or
> both of them crash or require a reboot. 

To be PC, I have no need to bash windows -- I let the fact speak for
itself -- as stated on my web pages: "This is a Micro$oft-free site -- one
Windows-induced heart attack in 1998 was enough!"

To be less PC...  Mdk 9.0 on my laptop is has been giving me tightness in
the fists which hopefully won't translate into tightness in my chest...  

Am I happy with Mandrake?  Yes... UNTIL 9.0 -- since, an emphatic NO!

I've not been much help on this list since the release of 9.0; 9.1 will
either see me return, or just move on to some other distro...

Hoping Mdk realizes that while their distro is not targetted at servers,
there are many users who consider their "desktops/laptops" even more
important than a "server"...


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