On Sun Feb 09, 2003 at 05:09:06PM -0600, Vox wrote:

> > succession without a burp.  Very odd.  I usually find cooker to be
> > quite stable, but I tend to go this cycle: install release version,
> > wait until after cooker has settled down (gcc/glibc upgrades), track
> > cooker during the beta period, do a fresh install when the release
> > is out.  I have to have a semi-stable system, and don't sync with
> > cooker daily... so I tend to take this route.  Upgrades are really
> > simple even with a fresh install.  
>   That's more or less how I do it too, without the fresh install. I
>   track cooker daily until release...then wait out the first 2 or 3
>   weeks after cooker re-opening and keep going on the daily tracking
>   until the glibc/gcc/whatever changes start, then I stop till I don't
>   get any "need to uninstall this to continue" and go back to daily
>   tracking. So far, my box has been behaving well :)

More adventurous than I... =)  Sounds like a good plan tho... I may decide
to continue tracking cooker over the long term this time around... we'll
see.  I usually do the base install for a while to test security updates
live...  if I can get this UML stuff to work properly, I may not need to do
that anymore (use UML containers instead of testing "live").

> > Soon I'll be setting up CVS so I can commit the entire /etc
> > directory to CVS then on an upgrade I can do stuff like "cvs co" or
> > "cvs diff" to find the differences.  Should be an interesting
> > project.
>   I've done that when admining the local LUG box with 3 other people,
>   that way we could track down and shoot whoever mungled the box ;) It
>   works well, for the most part, once you get used to it.

I'm thinking of an easy way to do upgrades... and of course, sanity checks.
Ie. think of this prior to an upgrade:

cd /etc
cvs commit
cd /etc
cvs diff
[check for anything major]
cvs co

Somewha abbreviated, but you get the idea.  I think it would work awesome...
one would just have to get used to the many CVS/ directories.  =)

> >>   Uhm...I've heard you can run EverCrack on WineX and play well, with
> >>   a few details (some sounds or some crap like that...I don't play
> >>   EverCrack :) google is your friend :)
> >
> > If I'm going to sit down and play EQ, i want it to work 100%... =)
> > I've
>   Bah, you addicts are all the same :P

Well, I wish I was more of an addict.  I don't think I've played in two
weeks...  Starting to forget I even have it installed... =)

> > tried WineX, and while it's ok, doesn't really play to well on my
> > workstation with it's odd dual-head setup (2MB PCI video card and a
> > 16MB AGP).  It's caused strange issues for me in the past.  So I've
>   Youch, I didn't know you could play EverCrack with such small
>   vidcards...hell, I thought you couldn't play tuxracer with them :)

I doubt the 2MB card would do any good... IIRC, it's a 2D card as well.  The
AGP card should be ok tho.  My workstation is definitely not a gaming
machine... (well, it would make a killer gaming machine if I got larger LCDs
and a proper dual-head AGP card with gobs of memory).  I kinda just use this
machine for work... =)

> > got one machine that is a f/t cooker machine that dual-boots win2k.
> > It's helpful for the odd time i need to run win software (not often)
> > or testing stuff like samba.
>   I haven't had the misfortune of using a winbox in 6+ years :)

Lucky you.. =)

> > I play WC3 and D2 on my mac, so I'm not worried about that... =)
>   I want an a-book! :P

I'm telling ya... Apple makes some sweet hardware.  It's a shame it's so
bloody expensive.  =(

> > WineX is alright, and it's been cool to play with, but when I play
> > on my Linux workstation, which isn't often, I usually play the older
> > Loki games I've got... except SimCity3000 doesn't want to run on
> > cooker for some reason...  haven't explored that one yet tho.
>   Unfortunately, Loki lived and died during my financial crisis, so I
>   never managed to get any of their games :/ I hope somebody comes up
>   with a working business doing linux games soon, tho, so I can get
>   rid of winex :)

I hear ya.  Much nicer to play stuff native.  Heck, people should just start
building games for Win/Mac/Linux.

Hmmm... speaking of which, I'm still waiting for NeverWinter Nights for
Linux (the client).  I'm starting to get a little irked with Bioware... I
bought the damn game thinking the Linux client was coming soon, and have
played a total of 30mins on it.  I'm starting to think about asking for my
money back, unfortunately it's been so long I doubt they would do it.  =(

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