On Sun Sep 21, 2003 at 02:48:55PM -0400, HaywireMac wrote:

> Rolf Pedersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> >  That none of these critics and dreamers has yet provided the world
> >  with a comparable,
> > more profitable linux distribution suggests that, notwithstanding the 
> > possibilities of a million monkeys typing on a million keyboards for a
> > million years, these lists are not the likely source of the proper
> > tough decisions Mandrake must make in order to continue in the
> > challenging, sometimes hostile, unpredictable corporate environment.
> well, us chattering monkeys should just keep our mouths shut, eh, ralphy
> boy?
> LOL!
> anyway, go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut, ya snot-nosed
> bitch, if the sound of those typewriters in keeping you awake, go hide
> under a rock and us lowly end-users will try to keep it down a bit.

This isn't usenet.  The above comments are not appropriate for this forum.
You may disagree with what he had to say, and that's fine, but to use that
language is entirely unacceptable.

Do not do it again.

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Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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