>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> Marek
> "Like many here who have taught and promoted TM in the past, I was
> ready, willing and able to be less than candid or truthful about the
> TMO or its programs if I felt that the ultimate result would be that
> someone would learn meditation or continue meditation based on what 
> told them. I look back on that now and regret having bought into
> that mindset. That was an incorrect choice and bad behavior on my
> part. There are times when perfect candor may be inappropriate but
> for the most part honesty and transparency is better, particularly 
> promoting a program for the upliftment of society. To the degree
> Maharishi or anyone in the TMO has departed from that, then to that
> degree I feel that they have devalued their stated purpose and have
> failed."
> Nice to hear from you again Marek. As usual you served up some
> thoughtful material.  <snip> 

> But then all the inflated claims about what meditation did for a
> person made it into a group of believers.  <snip> 

> Now we have some idea that the group most devoted to TM, and
> presumably most representative of its long term effects, aren't
> exactly coming through with much of interest for me.  Buying into 
> Raja nonsense is 
>an important line of beliefs in the movement.

>  I
> think I can relate to any long term meditator who gets the joke 
> those guys.  If they can't, I really feel there is a serious
> disconnect with my values. 
> Mystical experiences within religious beliefs has always been such a
> tiny portion any religion, that I don't think we really know much
> about this yet.  <snip>  I think your
> criteria of connecting virtues with inner experiences is valid
> although a lot of post have been devote to the idea that you can't. 
> Any state that doesn't show improvement in how a person treats 
> seems highly suspect to me.
> -"curtisdeltablues" 

Yes, & judging against even the TMmovement peer-review research as 
evidence, the names of every raja could easily be woven into their 
indictments on crimes against humanity.  Clearly their involvement 
and performance in this is grounds to bring them before the world 
court on crimes against humanity of great Spiritual ineptitude.  
These are not spiritual teachers but egomaniacs who have turned the 
clock of humanity backwards with bad theatre.  Help Call the grand 
jury of the world court of humanity.  This is bad.  "Off with their 

"Like many here who have taught and promoted TM in the past, I was
ready, willing and able to be less than candid or truthful about the
TMO or its programs if I felt that the ultimate result would be that
someone would learn meditation or continue meditation based on what I
told them. I look back on that now and regret having bought into
that mindset. That was an incorrect choice and bad behavior on my
part. There are times when perfect candor may be inappropriate but
for the most part honesty and transparency is better, particularly in
promoting a program for the upliftment of society. To the degree
Maharishi or anyone in the TMO has departed from that, then to that
degree I feel that they have devalued their stated purpose and have
failed." -Marek

Marek, fine but now help now with the indictment.  Use your skill of 
mind to help humanity if not just in civil right but spiritual.  
Their hubris is extreme and extremely small in their way.  Their 
spiritual arrogance is extreme.  Outrageous.  Help a world contain 
this TMOcommunity mischeiviousness amongst us.  Come along. You could 
help a lot of people.

Yes, "The 21st century will be about research published in resepected 
reviewed scientific journals.
Get used to it."

But also, Jon Hagelin in the FF Ledger:
"Extensive published research shows that coherence and positivity is
created in collective consciousness when a small number of people
practice the Transcendental Meditation and more advanced Yogic
Flying techniques together in a group-"

"The Invincible America Assembly is raising the quality of
consciousness and behavior throughout society to be more
more life supporting. And Nature is responding more positively."

End of story

Are you with us?  Free the believers.

-Doug, in FF


> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <reavismarek@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Comment below:
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I spent a month with David OJ studying the collected papers.  
> > > published research is better than others.  One critical context 
> > > evaluate about research is what conclusions are being drawn from
> > > the studies.  This is an area were even some good movement 
> > > fall down IMO.  In other words, it is possible to do a good 
study on
> > > improvements on a  rod and frame test. It is another thing to
> > > extrapolate that this means that mediators have a more stable 
> > internal
> > >  state of reference. 
> > > 
> > > Although I share your enthusiasm for the scientific method as a 
> > > to expand knowledge, I don't forget that it is always humans 
> > > this tool.  It is never practiced in purity.  The TM studies 
are not
> > > all on one level of reliability, published or not.  David went 
> > a
> > > lot of detail about which tests were more rigorous than others.
> > > Getting published is only one aspect in  evaluating the 
> > of
> > > scientific research.      
> > > 

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