Of Virtue:

Marek asks:
but I'm curious
as to
what more you think can or should be done.

Doug of FF suggesting 
Some needed steps of progress:

Practical steps to help more quickly bring goodwill and peace on 

1)Help Senator Grassley's office, the Senate Finance Committee staff 
and the IRS to investigate the non-profit status of the TMorgs; help 
them figure out and see the who, how and where to investigate, i.e., 
where has all the money gone & to what end? 

2) Help facilitate outside advocates to bring transparency to the 
welfare of  TMorg pundits on campus and in MVC and their civil rights.

"for the most part honesty and transparency is better, particularly in
promoting a program for the upliftment of society. To the degree
Maharishi or anyone in the TMO has departed from that, then to that
degree I feel that they have devalued their stated purpose and have
failed."  –Marek  

3) Using Peer-review science in evidence, Craft & publish a petition 
to the World Court as an open indictment of  MMY and the TMorgs on 
spiritual crimes against humanity.

Just some worthwhile things to help the world with while on holiday 
from your regular work.

Jai Guru Dev, -Doug in FF

Re: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/158579

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
> Comment below:
> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
<dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> **snip**
> > Yes, & judging against even the TMmovement peer-review research 
> > evidence, the names of every raja could easily be woven into 
> > indictments on crimes against humanity.  Clearly their 
> > and performance in this is grounds to bring them before the world 
> > court on crimes against humanity of great Spiritual ineptitude.  
> > These are not spiritual teachers but egomaniacs who have turned 
> > clock of humanity backwards with bad theatre.  Help Call the 
> > jury of the world court of humanity.  This is bad.  "Off with 
> > hats"!
> **snip**
> > Marek, fine but now help now with the indictment.  Use your skill 
> > mind to help humanity if not just in civil right but spiritual.  
> > Their hubris is extreme and extremely small in their way.  Their 
> > spiritual arrogance is extreme.  Outrageous.  Help a world 
> > this TMOcommunity mischeiviousness amongst us.  Come along. You 
> > help a lot of people.
> > 
> > Yes, "The 21st century will be about research published in 
> > peer-
> > reviewed scientific journals.
> > Get used to it."
> > 
> **snip**
> > 
> > Are you with us?  Free the believers.
> > 
> > -Doug, in FF
> **snip to end**
> Hey, Doug, what do you suggest?  I pretty much figure that a forum 
like FFL where 
> people who have been deeply involved in the TMO now have the 
opportunity to share 
> notes and essentially debrief our experiences and our thoughts 
about them with 
> others is helping anyone who either participates, or lurks (and 
anyone else still in the 
> TMO who comes into contact with any of the ideas bandied about 
> The value in having a working mind and an open heart and talking 
about this stuff 
> with individuals similarly situated seems to be enough for me, but 
I'm curious as to 
> what more you think can or should be done.
> Marek

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