Yes, i think your comment below deserves to be acknowledged.

Yes, FairfieldLife has been for its existance an important place for 
the FFmeditating community over the years.  A lot has gone through 
the TMmill here & FFL has been an important place for the TMcommunity 
where there is not much of open forum otherwise for rendering things 
down.  I hear this a lot on the street talking with people.  
Evidently a lot of people have lurked here all along & still do.

The real work though has been with Rick Archer hosting this place.  
Most lurk here & some people do risk themselves posting here and yet 
it has often enough been towards a good of bringing more light to 
things.  Yes,there has been work on that from many but the real & 
persistent work has been with Rick.

Thanks Rick for keeping the FFL forum alive.  It has been a community 

-Doug in FF

--- In, "Marek Reavis" 
> Comment below:
> **snip to end**
> Hey, Doug, what do you suggest?  
>I pretty much figure that a forum like FFL where 
>people who have been deeply involved in the TMO now have the 
opportunity to share 
notes and essentially debrief our experiences and our thoughts about 
them with 
others is helping

> anyone who either participates, or lurks (and anyone else still in 
> TMO who comes into contact with any of the ideas bandied about 
> The value in having a working mind and an open heart and talking 
about this stuff 
> with individuals similarly situated seems to be enough for me, 

but I'm curious as to 
> what more you think can or should be done.
> Marek

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