"ruthsimplicity" wrote:"My experience of "amness" is limited to what I
have had in this body.  I have no evidence to show "I" was here before
or will exist when my body dies. No one has any such evidence.  We are
physical beings."


Ramana says that amness is local and will end.  Like the pot of water
under the sea, when the pot is removed, the water inside and outside
will be found to be the same no matter what the "pot thought" about
water or how the pot thought about its own "potness defining waterness."  

Individuality is form.  Form is destiny.

You dream a new self each night and then say bye-bye to such a
construction each morning.  Nary a look back as such a former life.  

Just so death.  The form, the pot, that considered itself to "hold
consciousness," is found to be "merely smug."  

Meat is born, meat dies. 

Meatlessness remains.

There is no "going to heaven" if heaven is all around all the time
everywhere.  Tell any fish to go to water.  The meat robot either gets
subtle enough in its processing to understand the true nature of
freedom from identification, or not.  A realized robot knows that
nothing material can symbolize immateriality, that dreams have no true
substance that can be examined by a dream character scientifically,
and that, when awakened, the robot understands the truth about dreams
being illusory to the least titch.  

Don't put your identification on that which moth and rust doth
corrupt, right?  Put your money, instead, on, steady now, NOTHING.  

You can't take it with you.  "It" being "you."  Death scorches all
impurities of "form."  (Consult the Laws of Form.)  Only the platonic
ideals can be imagined to be immortal in that they are inherent in the
fecundity of existence -- but no, a form, a manifestation of a truth,
cannot forever maintain its "potness."

Take the concept "loyalty."  Is it immortal?  No, because, first of
all, whenever it is manifest, it is different.  What is loyalty to
you, or I, or a turtle?  Each individual will have a different way to
feel that "loyalty" has been shown.  So what's there to be foreverized
as THE form that loyalty would ideally take?  The turtle will
doubtlessly cling to its form as the best manifestation, right?

Just so, which "you" do you think "you" will present at the Pearly
Gates?  Throw a dart at your history, and you'll find a different
"you" processing "all this."  

One has to get out of the "person business" not only to the degree
where one realizes that a meat robot is merely an object of
consciousness with no more substantiality than a dream character, but
to get out of the "identification business" utterly.  

Any identification with form is an act of ignoring the Absolute.

Backstage, when the Wiz is sipping coffee, Dorothy is texting her
friend, and Glinda is playing chess with Wicked Witch, does Billy hate
 Margaret, does Terry only hang around with Judy, does Ray demand a
brain from Frank?  Nope.  They are enlightened backstage, ya see? 
When the curtain is down, they don't hit the streets in costume, right?

Drop the idea of surviving. Then drop every other idea possible.

Home free.


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