Respected figures in physics frequently find themselves having to 
adopt points of view that can be completely opposed to positions they 
once held, like Pauli with spin theory:

"The physical interpretation of Pauli's "degree of freedom" was 
initially unknown. Ralph Kronig, one of Landé's assistants, suggested 
in early 1925 that it was produced by the self-rotation of the 
electron. When Pauli heard about the idea, he criticized it severely, 
noting that the electron's hypothetical surface would have to be 
moving faster than the speed of light in order for it to rotate 
quickly enough to produce the necessary angular momentum. This would 
violate the theory of relativity. Largely due to Pauli's criticism, 
Kronig decided not to publish his idea.

In the fall of that year, the same thought came to two young Dutch 
physicists, George Uhlenbeck and Samuel Goudsmit. Under the advice of 
Paul Ehrenfest, they published their results in a small paper. It met 
a favorable response, especially after Llewellyn Thomas managed to 
resolve a factor of two discrepancy between experimental results and 
Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit's calculations (and Kronig's unpublished 
ones). This discrepancy was due to the necessity to take into account 
the orientation of the electron's tangent frame, in addition to its 
position; mathematically speaking, a fiber bundle description is 
needed. The tangent bundle effect is additive and relativistic (i.e. 
it vanishes if c goes to infinity); it is one half of the value 
obtained without regard for the tangent space orientation, but with 
opposite sign. Thus the combined effect differs from the latter by a 
factor two (Thomas precession).

Despite his initial objections to the idea, Pauli formalized the 
theory of spin in 1927, using the modern theory of quantum mechanics 
discovered by Schrödinger and Heisenberg. He pioneered the use of 
Pauli matrices as a representation of the spin operators, and 
introduced a two-component spinor wave-function."

Thinking about consciousness in the Physics field is a (relatively) 
new thing, but don't be surprised when physicists are talking 
completely differently about the meaning of consciousness in their 
field in a few years...

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