--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting what.
> I think, the message with the number 175 678,
> stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND agent,
> is really crime.
> cheers
> joerg.

Yes Joerg,  I'm with you on this entirely.  Mr. Rick Archer clearly 
should be brought up for charges of disorderly and dishonerable 
conduct on the internet for allowing such spurious accusations on his 
forum as these accussations against a Raja who so clearly has his 
fingers on the pulse of things.  Even if they are from Reuters.  

It is just contemptible of all decency what things Rick Archer allows 
on this FairfieldLife forum.   

Jai Guru Dev, 
-Doug in FF

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