You forgot to mention that Professor Van Dyke of Amsterdam is the 
brother of Dick Van Dyke, who played the nutty professor in Chitty 
Chitty Bang Bang, and the Old Excentric Grandfather in that movie is 
the father of his illigitimate child David Lynch, who's 
character "Giacommetti" in Twin Peaks was based on a real character 
who was in the CIA and a fanatic member of Scientology, which was 
founded by a rebel FreeMason who idolised Aleister Crowley.

The plot thickens....


--- In, "guyfawkes91" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 
> Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the Maharishi of
> Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany "Raja" Emanuel
> Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent working for the
> German secret service (BND). For many years the cult has been living
> under the fear of infiltration by spies from the CIA and other
> government agencies but it was always thought that the penetration 
> limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said "We knew that
> someone was sending us off in funny directions but we couldn't work
> out who it was. In retrospect his performance in Central America
> should have made us suspicious and standing up in front of a German
> audience announcing that he planned to succeed where Hitler had 
> was a bit of a giveaway but because he was disguised with a crown we
> thought he was one of us." asked how they finally rumbled him the
> spokesman said "He overplayed his hand, for years we'd been told 
> maintaining high prices meant we would take over the world by 
> meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be working and we
> thought it must be government agents who were misdirecting us. We
> caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all voted to reduce the
> prices we charge for learning meditation and he was the only one
> holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and it was clear
> something funny was going on so we searched his room and found coded
> messages from his controller in the BND instructing him to make sure
> we kept prices so high no one would learn."
> Asked what they planned to do to him he replied "Well he has to 
have a
> trial and it's well known that government agents float in water so
> we've arranged a public test to see if he floats, either that or 
> see if he's lighter than a duck" 
> Another person in the cult claimed "He turned me into a newt! But I
> got better"
> Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from the University of
> Amsterdam said "We've known for years that they're stark raving
> bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in the Argyreia
> Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that was keeping them
> tripped out. To discover that it was actually all part of a 
> plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent must have had 
> help from the wood gnomes camped out on the southern perimeter of
> their compound otherwise he would have been outed earlier."
> -- ends

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