More posts like yours please, this group needs to lighten up, it gets
too heavy too easily.

There's a lot of untapped comic potential in the TMO and there are
hundreds of people out there who are desperate for a laugh but are
scared of what might happen to them or their kids if they tell their
own jokes. They lie awake at night terrified John Konhaus might come
after them with his lovingly polished thumb screws because they let
slip to someone over lunch that at heart they aren't extreme enough. 

People live in fear and they need something to relieve the tension. We
have to make up jokes for them. It's a case of having an ample supply
of raw materials and a good demand for the finished product. 


> You forgot to mention that Professor Van Dyke of Amsterdam is the 
> brother of Dick Van Dyke, who played the nutty professor in Chitty 
> Chitty Bang Bang, and the Old Excentric Grandfather in that movie is 
> the father of his illigitimate child David Lynch, who's 
> character "Giacommetti" in Twin Peaks was based on a real character 
> who was in the CIA and a fanatic member of Scientology, which was 
> founded by a rebel FreeMason who idolised Aleister Crowley.
> The plot thickens....
> OffWorld

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