Vaj wrote:
> On Sep 24, 2008, at 1:11 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
>> A good point, if you have these shows available
>> TO pay for. I do not. I would have to wait for
>> 1-2 years to be able to see them either on over-
>> priced DVDs (which I have to hack my DVD player
>> to be able to play here) or broadcast on Spanish
>> TV, dubbed.
>> I also live in a country in which downloading
>> these things for private use is NOT against the
>> law. Technically, the only TV shows that you
>> could be prosecuted for downloading in the US
>> are the ones marked PREAIR, released before
>> their broadcast date. No lawsuit has ever been
>> filed for downloading already-broadcast TV
>> shows.
> That's interesting and it does make a certain amount of sense for 
> programs broadcast 'over the airwaves'. It however doesn't make sense 
> for cable or satellite.
> Many people have been prosecuted for stealing cable.
> I remember when I rented my first apartment years ago, I signed up for 
> cable. Later the cable company came after me for cable theft. So I 
> called them up: here all the other tenants had tapped into my cable 
> and so the cable company came after me. And I was the ONLY one legally 
> paying for it!
The networks want the FCC to allow them to copy protect the programs 
that go out over the air on HD.   Guess why they pop up those annoying 
banners during the shows?  To make the copies unpalatable but it makes 
the show unpalatable.  The dummies are shooting themselves in the foot.  
The FCC is saying NO so far to CP and it would make a lot of recently if 
not all current sets with both ATSC and QAM tuners obsolete.  Their 
shows are often so bland anyway I turned off "The Mentalist" after 15 
minutes and for some reason the DVR didn't record "The Fringe" which was 
about to fall off my list anyway.  So far it's been alleged that NBC has 
thrown in some things in the stream that makes Windows Media Center 
think the show is copy protected.  The EFF is going after them on that.

I'm noticing that DVDs are now coming with a symbol that says the disk 
is copy protected.  I makes it easy for me to spot a non copy protected 
disk and play it with my BluRay player which is a better player than my 
upscaling network player.  My set is 8 years old and thus does not have 
HDMI inputs.  BluRay will upscale a DVD that is not copy protected over 
component.  My networked DVD player upscales over component but is a 
funky implementation of DVD (the developers were more into network stuff 
which works good but couldn't even implement a DVD player up to the 
standards of a cheap one).
>> Besides, I like being a pirate. Have you seen
>> the first few episodes of Dexter and Californi-
>> cation? I have. :-)
> Yes, I've seen all of them.
I think he means this upcoming season.

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