No, that's not what I "mean to say." What I said was what I meant. The
 post in question did not contain a death threat. 

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "feste37" <feste37@> wrote:
> >
> > I see that an all-out gender war has erupted here on FFL,
> > to which my only contribution (for the moment) is to say
> > that no death threats have been issued by anyone.
> As I told Curtis, what you mean to say is that
> you don't agree with me as to what constitutes
> a death threat.
>  Turq's post is a satirical flight of
> > fancy, suggesting that, "if you go on getting hot under
> > the collar, you're likely to spontaneously combust!"
> > Quite amusing really.
> As I said to Curtis:
> Barry's just a little too sophisticated to make
> a death threat that would qualify by your lights.
> All he has to do to make it acceptable to you is
> to construct a purportedly humorous context for
> it.
> But it's still a death threat, just with a thick
> layer of lipstick.
> To which I now add: You're so distracted by the
> lipstick (just as Barry intended) that you can't
> see the viciious pig underneath it.
> Just as an exercise, imagine that there were two
> outspoken Obama opponents on FFL who happened to
> be black (yes, there are blacks who oppose Obama),
> and that Barry had written the following:
> "In related news, a poll conducted at bellweather [sic]
> Internet chat site Fairfield Life indicates that the
> popularity rating on that site for posters Amos
> and Andy (considered representative of Republican
> tactics) has dropped in the last week from the next-to-
> lowest Category Y ('Strident revenge coons from Hell')
> to the lowest possible Category Z ('Dumb angry niggers
> too stupid to live.')
> "Experts are studying the possibility that, since there
> is no lower level to sink to in terms of favorability
> ratings, if Amos and Andy continue their anti-Obama
> activism at this point, something more drastic may
> happen to the two activists -- actually getting their
> necks broken at the end of a rope."

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