I see that an all-out gender war has erupted here on FFL, to which my
only contribution (for the moment) is to say that no death threats
have been issued by anyone. Turq's post is a satirical flight of
fancy, suggesting that, "if you go on getting hot under the collar,
you're likely to spontaneously combust!" Quite amusing really. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > And they aren't death threats legally speaking,
> > > > > but that isn't the point either. They don't have
> > > > > to be to stand as examples of intense misogyny.
> > > > 
> > > > I think they express hatred towards two individuals.  I
> > > > don't buy your move to try to generalize it as against
> > > > all women.
> > > 
> > > Right, the "Some of my best friends are women"
> > > defense.
> > 
> > WTF? No it isn't.
> Of course it is. "I can't be a misogynist, I have
> some very close <heh heh> women friends. These two
> people I'm hating on are just, you know, hate-able.
> The fact that they're women and that I'm using
> language to attack them that demeans them on the
> basis of their gender is purely incidental."
> > > > Both you and Raunchy MAKE Turq's day as far as I can see.
> > > > He is obviously enjoying responding to you both in an
> > > > intense way.  I think he would be greatly disappointed if
> > > > you both stopped posting let alone died in a burst of
> > > > feminist flame.
> > > 
> > > Above you acknowledge that Barry's death threats
> > > "express hatred towards two individuals." 
> > 
> > You still haven't shown any actual death treats Judy.
> What you mean to say is that you and I disagree
> as to what constitutes a death threat.
> You have this theory that somehow words (and the
> thoughts that generate them) are entirely
> independent of and have no influence over action
> and must be evaluated separately.
> I don't. I think they're very closely connected.
> I also think words can have more than one level
> of meaning.
> Barry's just a little too sophisticated to make
> a death threat that would qualify by your lights.
> All he has to do to make it acceptable to you is
> to construct a purportedly humorous context for
> it.
> But it's still a death threat, just with a thick
> layer of lipstick.
> <snip>
> > Now you
> > > seem to be saying Barry enjoys hating us and would
> > > be disappointed if we were no longer around to be
> > > the targets of his hatred and the focus of his
> > > violent fantasies.
> > 
> > You guys both enjoy hating each other.  It is obvious.  
> I would be *delighted* if Barry left FFL and went
> somewhere else, never to return. (Note that I don't
> feel the need to "humorously" kill him off.) The
> few times he's taken a vacation from FFL, the whole
> tone of the place was greatly improved while he was
> gone. I'm far from the only person he enjoys hating.
> That's basically who he is, a hater. That's what he
> lives on, what keeps him going, what keeps him from
> hating himself.
> > > Such a deeply spiritual guy, that Barry. I'm sure
> > > he'll appreciate your encomium.
> > 
> > What an excellent word.  Thanks for that, it sent me running to the
> > dictionary. 
> > 
> > You all are in a hater-love triangle.
> Oh? Who's the third person?
>   And I enjoy the show. Don't
> > you? If you don't, you might want to count the numbers of posts
> > that involve him.  
> Try doing the same for his posts involving
> me, Curtis. The vast majority of mine involving
> him are responses to his posts dumping on me or
> somebody else. Most of his involving me (or
> others) are de novo.
> Yes, I enjoy trashing him, although it's like
> shooting fish in a barrel. But I'd enjoy other
> types of conversation a great deal more.
> Maybe when the election is over we'll get back
> to more edifying discussions, and Barry will
> have a harder time finding ways to poison the
> well. (You may have noticed that Barry rarely
> actually *converses*; he mainly throws stink
> bombs.)

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