Beneath his lipstick rhetoric squealing
Barry's pig and pitchfork, revealing
Sticking it to you at every turn
Oblivious that he will earn
A place in Hell
Where he will tell
Amid throngs of people booing
An account of his vile spewing
Inciting the killing of Amos and Andy
Know well, this unrepentant Dandy
Is just a creepy Nancy
Using words of fancy

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "feste37" <feste37@> wrote:
> >
> > I see that an all-out gender war has erupted here on FFL,
> > to which my only contribution (for the moment) is to say
> > that no death threats have been issued by anyone.
> As I told Curtis, what you mean to say is that
> you don't agree with me as to what constitutes
> a death threat.
>  Turq's post is a satirical flight of
> > fancy, suggesting that, "if you go on getting hot under
> > the collar, you're likely to spontaneously combust!"
> > Quite amusing really.
> As I said to Curtis:
> Barry's just a little too sophisticated to make
> a death threat that would qualify by your lights.
> All he has to do to make it acceptable to you is
> to construct a purportedly humorous context for
> it.
> But it's still a death threat, just with a thick
> layer of lipstick.
> To which I now add: You're so distracted by the
> lipstick (just as Barry intended) that you can't
> see the viciious pig underneath it.
> Just as an exercise, imagine that there were two
> outspoken Obama opponents on FFL who happened to
> be black (yes, there are blacks who oppose Obama),
> and that Barry had written the following:
> "In related news, a poll conducted at bellweather [sic]
> Internet chat site Fairfield Life indicates that the
> popularity rating on that site for posters Amos
> and Andy (considered representative of Republican
> tactics) has dropped in the last week from the next-to-
> lowest Category Y ('Strident revenge coons from Hell')
> to the lowest possible Category Z ('Dumb angry niggers
> too stupid to live.')
> "Experts are studying the possibility that, since there
> is no lower level to sink to in terms of favorability
> ratings, if Amos and Andy continue their anti-Obama
> activism at this point, something more drastic may
> happen to the two activists -- actually getting their
> necks broken at the end of a rope."

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