On Oct 19, 2008, at 9:09 AM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

Folks, we need to ignore Judy. And if we can't, we should stay away.
 Why in the world are we talking to someone who calls people names day
in a day out?  Sal is stupid.  Ruth is rascist and belongs to the
lowest order of human life.  Turq is a mysogynist, racist, homophobic,
elitist and solipsistic and makes death threats.  (WTF!)  She is
master of ad hominem and the straw man technique of blowing what
people say out of proportion.   It is not healthy to talk to her. Note
that Pete does not talk to her.

Let's not forget, Marek was "dirt," Curtis is a misogynist, and there's
I'm sure lots more where those came from...

Judy is a sad case of someone who has to reduce her opponents
to less than human any way possible..I've wondered from time
to time about the amount of people who have most likely left because of her, and, counting you, at least 3 others.

I've also wondered if there was a way Rick could simply start
another forum, and we could all move over there, leaving these
2 here to rattle around.  Of course, anyone could do that, but
whether or not it others would follow is debatable.


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