--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > I feel is an unreasonable proposal for one human to make to 
> > another without any restrictions, such as we have in the 
> > military. Speaking against such a misuse of our social bonds 
> > is an important issue for me. I didn't like it any better when 
> > Bush tried to run it on the other countries of the world.  
> i appreciate your thinking on this. i don't think comparing such a 
> social bond to the military is equivalent though. at least with a 
> master, you can just walk away- or with the Maharishi you could.

ED, you are either insufferably naive or you
never spent any time with any degree of involve-
ment in the TM organization. (Personally, I am
not convinced you ever practiced TM at all; often
you come across as just an attention troll.)

In the military if you go AWOL, you know ahead
of time (because you have been told this) that
the worst that can happen to you is that you will
go to prison or, in time of war, be shot for

In the TMO, by the time you became a teacher, you
had been told a hundred times that if you ever
walked away from TM and the TMO -- because, again,
you have been told this -- that you would go
directly to Hell, do not pass GO, do not collect
$200. If you chose to not obey your 'master,'
you would have been told that this was the gravest
sin that a person could possibly commit.

It was made very clear that if you chose to (as
you so blithely put it) "walk away," what you were
walking away FROM was "the highest path," and the
ONLY "real" spiritual teaching on the planet. ALL
others had been presented to you as lesser, and
false. It had also been made clear to you -- by
example -- that in "walking away" you were potent-
ially severing all connections to everyone you
knew in the TMO, because many of them would never
speak to you again. You would become anathema, an
outcast, an untouchable.

Those of us who DID "walk away" did so with all
of this indoctrination and fear-imprinting in mind.
We walked through a wall of fire that you seem to
have no concept of.

And I don't think that any one of us who DID buck
the indoctrination and walk away feels the worse
for it. We don't seem to have gone to Hell, what
Nabby says notwithstanding. :-) Most of us, in
fact, feel pretty good about doing what we knew
to be right for a change instead of what we had
been told. 

Sometimes your cluelessness about the nature of
spiritual organizations and the relationship that
can exist in them between teacher and student just 
SCREAMS ignorance, and needs to be pointed out. 
Just because you never got involved with any of 
them to the point of figuring out how this stuff 
happens doesn't give you the right to pontificate 
about it as if it doesn't.

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