--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> > How long have you been on this forum, two weeks ? 
> IIRC, almost a year.
> > To trust The Turq to tell you anything with as much as a little 
> of > truth is indeed "looney".
> I've been familiar with Barry Wright [Turquoise, Uncle Tantra] and
> what he writes for more than 10 years, Mr Nablusoss. What he asked 
> in his post to John is totally reasonable.

Since you swallow every word, hook and sinkers The Turq writes I 
understand that you have not being paying attention. 

No person on this forum has been caught with his pants on his ancles 
as often as your hero. Not one. 

He has been caught as a liar again and again for years, and you have 
not noticed ? Are you blind ?

He lies, that's what he does on a daily basis here on FFL, it's his 
hobby; he enjoy's it. Somehow it gives him some sort of satisfaction. 
This is his life and activity, hour upon hour, every day, 7 days a 
week on this forum, 50 posts every week all through the year ! 
I doubt he does anything else than posting here, perhaps he walks a 
dog or two and takes a drink at a bar. But working ? I think not, the 
internet is his passion and life.

May I ask if you actually know the name of the person Turq is 
refferring to ? 
Did i hear you say "no" ? Of course you did because you have no idea 
if the person The Turq reffers to ever excisted. 

You have been lied to again.

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