--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 2009, at 2:11 AM, raunchydog wrote:
> >
> > emptybill, tHisssss explains a lot. Knowing the motivations and
> > affiliation of a would be interloper on FFLife helps level the 
> > playing field. Thanks. Vaj is a Hare Krishna guy? Who knew? As he
> > hypocritically hides the identity of his affiliation, ashamed and
> > fearful of derision, he enjoys the catbird seat judging TM'ers.
> > Coward. I've visited the ISKCON Temple in Detroit a few times. 
> > They serve a great lunch. They also serve up a thing or two on 
> > their website that sounds like Vaj's POV: http://tinyurl.com
> I'm not a Hare Krishna guy, nor did I meet Kirk at a Dzogchen 
> retreat, etc., etc. It's just all lies by Empty Bill.

There are several things fascinating to me about
this latest "bash Vaj" fest.

The first is that people like Nabby and now 
emptybill are so threatened by the ideas he
presents here that they feel the need to make
things up and then attempt to demonize him with
them. Great commercial for TM, eh?

Another interesting commmercial for TM is how
quickly mental midgets attached to TM like ed11
and raunchydog play "pile on" to agree to the
made-up things, and join in with the demonization.

Still another fascinating thing is that the 
person who claimed to be motivated by fairness 
and her self-appointed role of "Lie Exposer" 
will say nothing about emptybill's claims, or
even ask him to substantiate them. Just imagine
the hissy fit she'd be throwing if some "anti-
TMer" said similar things about one of the few
lingering TM defenders here. She would *at the
least* ask for verification. But she will not
in this case.

But for me the most fascinating thing about the
"bash Vaj" syndrome is how the people leading the
bashing are so completely clueless about when 
they have been "attacked," as they claim that 
they have been, and that they are "responding
in kind" to.

Take yesterday's tempest in a pisspot. Vaj posted
a quote from the Dalai Lama, *without comment*.
That was followed almost immediately by ed11 
reacting as if his manhood...uh...sorry, her
womanhood had been threatened. Then Judy played
"pile on," making up things right and left, and
dealing *only* in demonization of Vaj. 

All because of a post in which Vaj DID NOT 

All he did was post a quote from the Dalai Lama.

And now, in the aftermath, we see Nabby and ed11
badrapping and putting down not only Vaj but the
Dalai Lama and Buddhism as a whole. We see Nabby
and emptybill coming up with stories that Vaj 
(and, according to Nabby, me as well) are being
sponsored or paid by some nefarious institution
or organization or competing spiritual tradition
whose aim is to destroy TM. 

All because of a single quote from the Dalai Lama.

And they call Vaj "threatened." 

between having some of their beliefs challenged
by a contradictory belief, and being personally
attacked. And so when someone here posts something
that *does* challenge their beliefs, they "feel"
personally attacked, and attack "back."

All of this was the result of a single quote by
the Dalai Lama, who almost certainly did not have
TM or Maharishi in mind when he originall spoke 
or wrote it.

And yet the paranoid, feeble-minded "TM defenders"
of Fairfield Life HAVE GONE CRAZY as a result of
it being posted.

Again, a great commercial for TM, n'est-ce pas?

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