--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> Your analysis is correct. The americans had their chance. Much of the
> writings on FFL shows that they wasted this historic chance; that wide open
> door provided by His Holiness and a few very advanced american souls for
> that country.
> Rather, out of immaturity and foolishness the majority chose to close that
> door so generously provided by Maharishi and the Masters. 
> Never underestimate the Hillbilly-effect ! 
> Nature is very, very patient. But She is not forever patient with stupidity.
> "The Movement belongs to those who move"
> - Maharishi
> So Nabby, you're from Sweden or some Scandinavian country, right? What has
> the TM movement in your country done that's so much better than what the US
> movement has done?

That is a very good question Rick. To answer this I would say that the 
scandinavian countries did less than the americans did. Much less. At least in 
terms of building up India or bringing the Knowledge to all corners of the 
earth or usher in the Age of Enlightenment.

Who invited Him into their homes in 1956 ? The americans did. Who started 
research on consciousness and TM; the americans did.

Idealistic, bright and dynamic Americans, souls applying for Discipleship and 
Initiation into the knowledge of the Masters of Wiwsdom did everything they 
possibly could do when the Scandinavians souls, with a few excemptions, simply 
were onlookers.

Compared to Americans, many now solidly on the path to further Initiations, the 
Scandinavians did shamefully little. Many there missed this rare carmic 

After His first travel to the Scandinavian countries Maharishi was asked about 
His impression of these countries and He said: 
"Norway is Sattva, Sweden Rajas and Denmark Tamas."

My rant about America and americans versus the TMO must be seen in this light: 
The Americans where the first in the West to acknowledge His world-transforming 
teaching and His mission in creating The Age of Enlightenment for all to enjoy. 

In many ways they are the "chosen people" who, in the eternal Akasha Chronicles 
will be remembered for their role in transforming this earth into Heaven. 

In that country, The United States of America, Maharishi found those few, 
evolved, ready souls He needed to bring the blessings of Brahmananda Saraswathi 
to the whole world.

For this the Americans are forever blessed and their role firmly recorded in 
the eternal Akasha Chronicles.

If I left a different impression about this theme, I am very sorry.

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