The Speaker's House it is not clean
Moneychangers own it
Sucked dry to bone the common folk
Forced in debt we loan it

The Speaker's House it is not clean
Torture advocating
The truth obscured by blaming game
And prevaricating

The Speaker's House it is not clean
Pelosi on petard
She takes the rap for right wing flap
Bush/Cheney crimes ignored

The Speaker's House it is not clean
Belies a Truth Commission
Obama's open can of worms
Mistaken his volition

The Speaker's House it is not clean
C.I.A. accuses
Pelosi twists before the blow
Under bus of bruises

The Speaker's House it is not clean
Sweet justice must be done
To cleanse the stain our nation bears
>From torture's bloody run

The choice of cleaning Speaker's house
Or turn blind eye to crime
Rise to honor integrity
Proud beacon light must shine


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