Robert wrote:
> Funny, how all these macho guys, 
> were so big, way back when...
Maybe so, but I don't think Nancy Pelosi
thinks it's funny. She has to face the 
voters soon and they're not very
impressed that Nancy didn't object to the 
enhanced interrogations. She apparently
knew all about them - so she's a obviously
a co-conspirator and should be charged as
well. Now Nancy is in a real pickle!

"I'm amazed at how Nancy Pelosi's current 
circumstances are similar to the Democrats' 
accusations that Bush lied us into the 
Iraq war. 

They saw the same intelligence that Bush 
(and Clinton before him) saw, indicating 
that Saddam had WMD. Few if any questioned 
the validity of the information. Most voted 
for the war.

But when the war became unpopular they 
turned and claimed they had been misled by 
Bush. This was all a lie and political 
posturing, but it was effective then. I'm 
glad to see the Republicans are a little 
smarter this time and are countering more 

I wonder if it is possible to tie the Dems 
current hypocrisy to the earlier event."

Read more:

'Pelosi in a Pickle'
Posted by Glenn Reynolds 

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