> > Well, I can't imagine a professional
> > public servant employee of the CIA
> > lying to congressional leaders, in 
> > an Intelligence Committee briefing, 
> > but I can imagine a politician like 
> > Nancy Pelosi lying every single day 
> > in a press conference on TV. 
> >
sparaig wrote:
> I can easily imagine a CIA representative 
> shading the facts presented to a member 
> of Congress in a way commensurate with 
> White House policy.
But, you can't imagine a politician trying
to lie to the American public in order to
win another election? 

"If the CIA's interrogation methods were so 
outrageous that they now warrant a "truth 
commission" - a process likely to destroy 
the careers of Bush administration and CIA 
officials who supported the policies - why 
is it that they did not even rate a 
milquetoast memo when the San Francisco 
Democrat learned of them?"

Full report:

'Now the lady doth protest too much'
By Debra J. Saunders
San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, May 17, 2009

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