Another BINGO moment with our FFL poet leary-ette.

To me, the Dems are running scared that the 
dark underbelly of elitism may be exposed and 
suddenly the American public will have undeniable 
evidence that the Dems and Repugs are identical 
twins when it comes to spin, diversion, semantics 
and blame shifting.  Since the Dems have put 
out so much "we're not in the least like those 
murderous lying war mongers" it could be 
stultifying to see such deep resonance between 
"assumed to be foes."  

I can think of no other process that would benefit 
our American self image than to have a large and 
in your face revelation of how strong our 
congressionals are in league with BigMoney, 
BigMilitary, and BigPolitic.  

Nancy's pulled out the cork in Pandora's box, but 
I expect that BigMedia will fully cooperate with 
"ignoring her mistake."  If BigMedia did clamor 
for the release of the recorded CIA information 
sessions with Nancy, all of America will see our 
beloved leaders calmly 
cherry picking amongst the most vile of torture 
techniques like they were picking out their favorite 
doughnuts at Crispy Creme.


--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> The Speaker's House it is not clean
> Moneychangers own it
> Sucked dry to bone the common folk
> Forced in debt we loan it
> The Speaker's House it is not clean
> Torture advocating
> The truth obscured by blaming game
> And prevaricating
> The Speaker's House it is not clean
> Pelosi on petard
> She takes the rap for right wing flap
> Bush/Cheney crimes ignored
> The Speaker's House it is not clean
> Belies a Truth Commission
> Obama's open can of worms
> Mistaken his volition
> The Speaker's House it is not clean
> C.I.A. accuses
> Pelosi twists before the blow
> Under bus of bruises
> The Speaker's House it is not clean
> Sweet justice must be done
> To cleanse the stain our nation bears
> From torture's bloody run
> The choice of cleaning Speaker's house
> Or turn blind eye to crime
> Rise to honor integrity
> Proud beacon light must shine
> raunchydog

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