--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Well Sal, you said you like the train wrecks.
> > You must be in hog heaven right now.
> > Judy is completely hysterical.
> Couldn't ask for a more perfect illustration of
> what I said:
> > > It occurs to me that men think emotions always
> > > block rational thought because it's true of
> > > *them*, so they assume it's true of women as
> > > well. Not really their fault; the culture
> > > tells them "real men" don't indulge in
> > > emotion, so when they experience emotion, it
> > > scares the pants off them. That crippling 
> > > fear of not appearing manly is what prevents
> > > them from being able to think rationally *as
> > > well as* having emotions.
> <snip>
> > Human beings have emotions, thank goodness. Women
> > experience them fully and acknowledge them, own
> > them; men deny them so as not to appear unmanly.
> > But their emotions come out anyway. They just come
> > out sideways.

Are your editorial skills failing or is this
one of your oft used slippery and slimy

Lets consult, your friend and mine,  Mr. 

hysterical : 1) deriving from or affected
by uncontrolled extreme emotion.

Uncontrolled extreme emotion.

Calm down. Take a deep breath or three and you
may be able to discern the difference between
emotion and hysteria. 

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