From: []
On Behalf Of authfriend
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:44 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sorry Judy
--- In
<> , "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> I'm a hit and run reader and poster on FFL. I don't have
> time to read all the posts in most threads, so I often
> form impressions based on partial information. I was
> talking with a friend last night who used to post
> regularly but who these days only lurks. He said that it
> was unfair to lump Judy and Raunchy together with regard
> to their criticisms of Obama. He opined that Judy had
> been much more fair and objective. So I'm sorry I did
> that Judy. Maybe I'll end up apologizing to Raunchy too,
> but I still get the impression that she couldn't bring
> herself to say anything positive about Obama, due to her
> emotional commitment to Hillary.

Thank you, Rick.

It occurred to me last night as I was reading Raunchy's
post #219365 that the emotional component is not so
much a matter of Hillary having lost as of *how* she
lost, how incredibly unfairly and viciously she was
treated by Obama's supporters--in the lefty blogs, by
the Democratic Party, by the media, and of course by
the right wingers, not to mention some of the people
on FFL. And it wasn't just Hillary who was treated
this way, it was her supporters as well.
It does seem that Obama and Hillary have gotten over it. Maybe she's just
stifling resentment because she's a good sport and she wants to be Secretary
of State, but it looks like she and Obama have a close and cordial working
relationship. Everyone had their favorites during the campaign and here too
I don't claim to be objective, but it seems like all the candidates received
pretty harsh treatment by their opponents' followers. Sure, Olbermann and
others favored Obama over Hillary but Fox news trashed both of them in favor
of McCain and later McCain/Palin. So it goes.
Finally, I do think you owe her an apology for your
initial comment about the two of us--that we wouldn't
be criticizing Hillary, were she in the White House,
for doing what Obama's been doing. That was way, way
out of line, and it just reminds us of the kind of crap
we had to put up with during the primary campaign.
Can't apologize for that one 'cause I still see it that way. I don't know
about you, but if Hillary were in there, making some of the same decisions
Obama is making, Raunchy would be reacting very differently.

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