--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Judy Stein" <jst...@...> wrote:
> > 
> > Anyway, as I read Raunchy's post, I realized how angry
> > I still was. I've managed to repress that anger now
> > that Obama's in the White House so I can evaluate
> > what he's doing more objectively, but it doesn't take
> > much to bring it up again.
> Judy, Thank you for putting into words exactly how I feel 
> about the primary. It brought me to tears to know that you 
> understand completely how painful it was to have witnessed 
> such shameful, sexist, unrelenting, abuse of the first 
> American woman ever to make such a powerful and historic 
> bid for the presidency. 

And these are the women who claim not to 
be "running on emotion."

It's A YEAR LATER. And neither of them sees
anything the *least* bit odd about still
breaking into tears or into uncontrollable
bouts of anger about something that happened

But it's not the weepiness or the anger that
astounding me...it's the HOLDING ON TO IT.

I honestly don't understand how anyone who
has been meditating for 30+ years can do that.
It just doesn't compute. Did these women never 
heard Maharishi's "line through water" analogy?
Have they never *experienced* it? I suspect
that almost everyone else here has. We GET
OVER THINGS. Why don't you?

As for "What was done to Hillary," welcome to
politics. Stop being such a wuss. She isn't.
IMO *most* of what was said about Hillary
Clinton wasn't aimed at her at all. She's
a strong old bat; it wouldn't have affected
her. And unlike you two, she doesn't appear
to hold grudges; she's beyond it.

The sexist taunts at Hillary were designed
to make her *followers* crazy. And they worked
like a charm. Nothing loses a female politician
more votes than a bunch of women running around
screaming hysterically, "They're playing dirty
with my candidate," in a national election.
Are you DERANGED? Playing dirty is a *synonym*
for "national election."  

GET OVER IT, Raunchy. I really like you 
when you relax and your funny side comes out. 
But when you get into "grudge mode" you start 
*personifying* all the things you resent men
saying about women. You know...things like,
"They're ruled by their emotions," or "They
hold grudges for years, and cannot seem to
ever let go of them." And your response to
someone saying this is to DO WHAT THEY
SAY YOU DO, and keep doing it? Think 
this one through...

It's the same thing here at FFL. Judy postures
as a rational person, and yet LIVES for her
grudges and acting out on them. John Knapp
shows up here and posts and she loses it and
starts trashing him as if their history were
NOT history, and was yesterday. Same with 
Andrew Skolnick. Mention his name here, or the
website (http://www.aaskolnick.com/junkyarddog/)
he created for Judy, and she goes ballistic,
*while* claiming that she sees the site as some
kind of "badge of honor." And she last interacted 
with Andrew NINE YEARS AGO. And this is 
to say nothing of her obsession with Vaj and 

And you, Raunch? You're going along fine, being
funny and writing your poetry, and someone men-
tions Hillary Clinton and you drop back into
"rant mode" and start acting out ALL of the
negative stereotypes any man ever had about any

Here's a hint: If you really do care about ending
the negative things that men say about women, as
Willytex says, "DON'T FEED IT." How can you expect
men to "take you seriously" when you don't act in
a way that CAN be taken seriously? How can you
expect us to understand your anger at portrayals
of women as overly emotional and tending to hold
onto grudges for years when you act overly emotional
and hang onto grudges for years? It's like a child
saying, "I am NOT 'throwing a tantrum.' And I'm 
going to sit here and pout and hold my breath until
my face turns purple and until you stop saying that
about me."

Get the point?

What I don't think you understand is that a number
of us here LIKE you when you drop all this emotional
and samskaric attachment to things in the past and
just live in the present. The woman who does that
and is able to be funny is a delight. It's the one
who keeps throwing tantrums and claiming she isn't
doing it we laugh at, rather than with.

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