On May 22, 2009, at 12:30 AM, raunchydog wrote:

Vaj: Why on earth would a successful meditator still have lingering destructive emotions months after the original stressor? ["He raped you, so what, get over it."]

So experiencing Hillary loosing was like being RAPED?

I'm sorry Raunch, but I do believe it's time for the therapists couch.

Isn't part of the TM model that unstressing will help with this kind of thing? Was she even angrier before she started meditating? After 30 years? I'm sorry, that's odd to me. It's not working. [Vaj's makes a gratuitous slam on TM in the guise of faux concern. How very "evolved" of him.]

It doesn't matter how concerned anyone is when it comes to Judy, she's got that oppositional-defiant thing going on. She's way too attached to TM to ever let go of it. It's that attachment-to- meditation that I suspect will keep her locked into her same ole patterns for this incarnation. So, you see Raunch, it doesn't matter how concerned I am or anyone is, until Judy decides to do something herself, she'll continue being tortured by her destructive emotions-- and launching them at those around her.

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