> Robert, get a grip. Women are not interested in your penis. You are are still 
> in the oedipal phase of libidinal and ego development and not yet very potent 
> as a man. When you grow up someday, you'll realize that women want the same 
> thing that you do...respect.
Thanks for the information on how to get a woman...
But, I was not saying that women are interested in my penis...
I was quoting a theory of Dr.Freud's, that woman subconsciously wish they had a 
penis, as little girls, so they could be more 'less vulnerable, etc'...and so I 
was talking about the penis in general...
Not my penis in particular...
I have been told, that I have an excellent penis, and don't have a penis 
Thanks for the advice, anyone though...you are making good progress.

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