--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii...@...> wrote:
> Ya Know, I was never a big believer in Freud, but these
> days, I'm starting to bye into the 'Penis Envy' theory...
> I can't see any other reason, why woman these days, have
> to prove all the time, how many are such silly Bumpkins,
> and how Stupid they all are with they're 'Swingin' Dicks'...

Thing is, Robert, a lot of men these days *aren't*
silly bumpkins and *don't* feel the need to swing
their dicks. Unfortunately we don't seem to have any
of them on FFL, at least not who are willing to
speak up.

I actually think feminism has helped many men in
this regard. Once men have gotten over their
conditioning and internalized that women are their
equals, they're no longer compulsively motivated
to keep trying to demonstrate how superior they
are by putting women down--and they find that a
great relief (as do the women, natch).

They may continue to swing their dicks at each
other, but that's an entirely different phenomenon.

> I'm starting to believe that ya' all wish you had
> one to swing, yourselves... So, you didn't have to
> wait in those damn long lines at the rest stops on
> the way to D.C.

That's the single reason I can think of that it might
be nice to have a dick, in fact.

> Now, I'm not tryin' to be a Dick here...
> I like havin' one...
> Don't know what it would be, if I didn't have one!

If you didn't have one, you'd be a woman. You'd be
fine with that (or without it, I should say). But
you'd also understand why some men are such a pain
in the you-know-what. You might even begin to wonder
whether they weren't suffering from womb-envy.

> Well, that's all I got...
> God Bless the Meek, for they shall inherit the planet of apes...


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