I posted before I read all the listed...

Grand merci;
many thanks for allowing me to live vicariously through you;
enjoy Europe .
I appreciate the mindset there, as opposed to America, 
the Puritans made dark what needn't be
(my opinion)

You , full of heart,enjoy...

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "meowthirteen" <meowthirteen@> wrote:
> >
> > ---
> > *Turquoise:
> > How was your dinner?
> > I bet it was lovely.
> > I wonder if you ate outside,if the weather was gorgeous
> > and what you had brought to you...
> > I wonder if you had really nice wine with it.
> > I hope you had good conversation and are having bella serah.
> It was great. Thanks for asking. I got to sit
> in a lovely Provencal restaurant in Nice under
> the stars and eat great food and drink good wine
> with people who would have been bemused to the
> point of uncontrollable laughter by all of the
> prudery and sexual uptightness being discussed
> on this forum as if it were important. :-)
> > *Speaking more to the post now,there is a forum on Craigslist 
> > called polymory and it explains more what it is .Visiting 
> > there on occasions will give a idea of what people in that 
> > lifestyle do/ think...
> Yep. I think that polyamory is an interesting 
> fascination (as opposed to the discussions here
> about sex and sexuality, which could be taking
> place between Puritans and Shiite Muslims as 
> far as I can tell). It's not particularly my
> thing as it is a number of my friends' thing,
> but I've learned much from their openness and
> their willingness to treat sex and sexuality
> as things that don't *require* rules, much less
> the need to "obey" them.
> > -Personal side note-it's not what I thought,and there's a 
> > train of thought that was brought up there that some are 
> > wired this way.
> > I'm going to keep this short,it could get deep .Psychology 
> > hypothesis,
> > past life injury,fear,inadequate brain synapsis...list 
> > goes on infinately,as for why a participation in this 
> > type of relationship.
> I'm assuming you're still talking about polyamory.
> So I find it curious that you only mention *negative*
> hypotheses for why people might adopt it. I see a 
> number of positive ones.
> > I found it interesting the feelings the people shared involved.
> > I like to understand as many as I can, so as to help me not judge .
> > I think all are in the Process and I am working on letting 
> > everyone be at their own spot in the Process.I don't even have 
> > to understand.
> > I just need to not cause suffering .I don't have all the answers, 
> > and I certainly have not heard them all either.I have so much 
> > more to hear, and understand,and not understand-and let go ,fly...
> > 
> > *sprinkle * 
> > *sprinkle*
> > Some mirth upon you -
> > it got on your cheek!
> > Ope!There goes a smile creeping up!
> > Let the warmth of the day soak into you;
> > it is not too hot
> Indeed. An openness to discussions of non-mainstream
> sex and sexuality is IMO a great thing, and I praise
> you for having that 'tude about it all. As you say,
> no one has the answers. But on this forum you have a
> number of people who *claim* to have the answers, one
> way or another. I don't think that they do, and as I've
> suggested this morning, the fact that *whatever* their
> perspective on non-mainstream sexuality they consider
> it a big enough deal to argue about *as if* they had
> the answers the biggest "tell." 
> They're still hung up about sex. Some on one side,
> some on the other.
> I prefer my French friends and coworkers, who place
> sex and sexuality in their true perspective, from my
> point of view. That is, about on the same level as
> what to order for dinner and which type of wine to
> order. It's really not all that serious, people...

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