--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > (Except, of course, for the rules that keep other
> > > > > people from doing or saying what he'd rather they
> > > > > didn't do or say--that's why he's such a strong
> > > > > supporter of the posting limits.)
> > > > 
> > > > Ah, the expected delayed result of me reminding
> > > > folks WHY we have posting limits here. :-)
> > > 
> > > Says Barry, completely unable to respond to anything
> > > I've said except the one aside he quotes above.
> > 
> > Says Judy, two posts from "posting out," less
> > than three days into the week. :-)
> > 
> > What's fascinating is that she undoubtedly 
> > believes that all these folks like Sal and 
> > do.rflex and I who throw out an occasional
> > post designed to push her buttons and *get*
> > her to blow all her posts within a couple
> > of days DON'T HAVE to ever "respond to any-
> > thing she says." 
> > 
> > Why bother? We OWN her ass. We can make her 
> > post out without ever interacting with her
> > directly at all. 
> > 
> > Sal started things rolling this week with one
> > simple post that Judy felt so threatened by
> > that she spend almost a dozen posts "refuting"
> > it. Sal, on the other hand, just sat back and
> > allowed Judy to "refute" all she wanted to. 
> > 
> > And Judy undoubtedly believed every time she
> > hit the Send button that she was "winning." :-)
> > 
> > And you know what the funniest thing will be?
> > 
> > She won't be able to resist responding to this
> > post, either.
> >
> For her to think that obsessively and endlessly rehashing and repeating the 
> same tired worn out nastiness and ugly and mean spirited and vindictive 
> personal attacks - even using the exact same phrases over and over, week 
> after week, month after month, year after year - is actually getting anywhere 
> or actually producing anything worthwhile for anyone - is almost tragic.

Hmmm, I seem to remember someone who obsessively talked about pinky petals and 
colorless sap by endlessly rehashing and repeating the lecture.  

Seeing as Judy isn't claiming enlightenment, I'd say we have to give her even 
more opportunities to drill it home to you bastards, cuz, you know, she's 
spiritually handicapped, ya see?

The three rules of dealing with a troll: beat on them with the truth, rub their 
noses in the truth, and enjoy them sizzling on truth's grill.

It's astounding that FFL's Sal-Bar-do.r are so crippled in this debate when 
they do have some fine intellects (sorry Sal, I meant to write Bar and do.r 
only -- didn't mean to elevate you beyond your ability to rise up to meet that 
status.)  Frankly, it gives "being smart" a bad name when all the intellect is 
used for is childish pride in pulling another's chain.  Shame, shame, shame.

On the other hand, who wants them to really roll up their sleeves and have at 
these easily trounced freaks?  Yeah, let's call them that, cuz only a freak 
would be as prideful as they when they're simply being cruely ignorant. It's 
not natural.  No one is born this way. Thus, all of them have obviously been 
deeply broken by life.  Only water-truthing them can heal them.  

But, hey, they're fucking wrong, and we know it, so why go through the process 
when at the end of it, those who know these cybersnots for what they are will 
NOT be even a titch more clear about them than they were long long ago about 
the troll natures of Sal-Bar-do.r that were so broadly displayed?  And those 
who side with them (er, are they any?) will not be convinced by any argument of 
deep excellence, since, by their very nature as dittoheads they eschew thinking 
of every sort.

And now Willy comes along with this use of the word "thrusting."  GAWD how 
creepy is this guy going to get?  It's one thing to want America to be 
genocidal, but to get so hung up on one word reveals yet another sick dynamic 
in Willy's personality -- makes his war mongering all that much more odious, 
vile and conceptually corrupt.


> It's apparently just about the only thing she really knows how to do here.
> I'm waiting to see if we can get her to break her early 'posting out' 
> records.  Ha Ha Ha...
> If she can't see what's so obvious however, I'm beginning to think in the 
> back of my mind that she just may be starting to lose it upstairs. And that's 
> NOT so funny.

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