> > Sal started things rolling this week with one
> > simple post that Judy felt so threatened by
> > that she spend almost a dozen posts "refuting"
> > it. Sal, on the other hand, just sat back and
> > allowed Judy to "refute" all she wanted to.
> More like a half dozen, actually. (Barry has
> counting problems.)

This is SO much fun. Judy, who has referred 
to almost everyone here at some point as 
falling for the same old trick. 

The only thing I have to do is exaggerate
the number of posts she's made about some
subject (or intentionally make a spelling 
or typing or grammatical error), and her 
compulsive "Gotta edit the STOOOPID person"
syndrome goes into overdrive and she...uh...
wastes another post or two. Or 50.

The thing that makes this so much fun from
my side is that WE KEEP TELLING HER WHAT
WE ARE DOING, and her ego is so large and
so out of control that she thinks *THAT*
is an attempt to fuck with her, and *not*
the things we *tell her* we are doing. And 
so she falls for the same things over and 
over, and does *exactly* what we intended 
for her to do.

For example, she has now claimed for years
that Sal, do.rflex, Vaj, myself, and others
here are trying to "silence" her, when not
only should it be obvious to her that we're
trying to get her to post MORE of her idiocy
and thus expose it (and in the process...a 
perk of sorts...post out early and remove
*herself* from the forum), but we actually
*tell her* what we're up to. But her ego can
never support the idea that *she* is the one
being manipulated, so she has to keep claim-
ing that we're trying to "silence" her.

Well, she "silenced" herself. Again. And she
will do it again next week. And the week after
that. And the week after that as well. And no
matter how often we *tell her* our tricks, and
*tell her* how they work, she will *still* 
fall for them, every time.

And *we* are the ones who are REAAALLLY 

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