How was your dinner?
I bet it was lovely.
I wonder if you ate outside,if the weather was gorgeous
and what you had brought to you...
I wonder if you had really nice wine with it.
I hope you had good conversation and are having bella serah.

*Speaking more to the post now,there is a forum on Craigslist called polymory 
and it explains more what it is .Visiting there on occasions will give a idea 
of what people in that lifestyle do/ think...
-Personal side note-it's not what I thought,and there's a train of thought that 
was brought up there that some are wired this way.
I'm going to keep this short,it could get deep .Psychology hypothesis,
past life injury,fear,inadequate brain synapsis...list goes on infinately,as 
for why a participation in this type of relationship.
I found it interesting the feelings the people shared involved.
I like to understand as many as I can, so as to help me not judge .
I think all are in the Process and I am working on letting everyone be at their 
own spot in the Process.I don't even have to understand.
I just need to not cause suffering .I don't have all the answers, and I 
certainly have not heard them all either.I have so much more to hear, and 
understand,and not understand-and let go ,fly...

*sprinkle * 
Some mirth upon you -
it got on your cheek!
Ope!There goes a smile creeping up!
Let the warmth of the day soak into you;
it is not too hot

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> >
> > raunchydog:
> > 
> > You've now called me (1) a wingnut; and (2) a bigot.
> > 
> > Whether or not I am those things, I am not inclined to debate 
> > with you over these issues when you stoop to name-calling.  I 
> > suspect that you do that in order to get OUT of debates because 
> > at your core you really don't believe your arguments hold weight.
> And FAR more sexist and bigoted than you are.
> And that's saying something. :-)
> I agree with everyone who's said that the only
> reason you posted what you did was to stir up
> trouble and push buttons and then sit back and
> feed on the discord. And that's as stupid as
> it is childish.
> But Raunchy is spouting feminist bullshit about
> polyamory without knowing ANY of the actual facts
> about it. She's got this image in her mind of
> Mormon guys with lots of submissive wives. That's
> as far from an accurate picture of what polyamory
> is as Maplethorpe's photos are from what most gay
> men are. 
> If you're going to be sexual bigots, AT LEAST 
> try to learn a little something about the real
> nature of the things you're bigoted about...

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