--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "seekliberation"
<seekliberat...@...> wrote:
> > "Just 17% of Americans say the government is more likely
> > to spend its money wisely and carefully than a private
> > business, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national
> > telephone survey. Sixty-two percent (62%) say a private
> > business is more likely to spend its money carefully...."
> that would make sense.  Private business actually feels the sting of
poor spending, where government doesn't.  If a government plan doesn't
work, the senators and representatives still have a job making over 100k
per year. If a private business's idea fails, they can potentially go
out of business, or they have to lose employees.  This is the argument
of capitalism vs. socialism.
> to me, capitalism means "survival of the fittest, and 'hopefully' the
fittest will have enough compassion for the unfit after payday"
> to me, socialism means "everyone gets a payday, no matter how fit you
are, we just have to figure out how to get that money from the fittest" 

That is short-sighted. All the scientific studies show that the species
and sub-species that do the best, are those that co-operate with each
other  - help each other- not the dog eat dog - survival of the fittest.
This is scientific fact, so I'm not worried about republicans who still
want the old school ways. They don't work. Your system is archaic and
absolutely has no chance of survival. This is not a judgement, it is
just afact of life.

My new term is "Survivla of the Smartest" -- and that means co-operation
and healing the Earth to bring abundance . This is the future. It is not
an opinion. It is a fact. Anything else is going back to the Dark Ages -
which I will be very good, with my broadsword, at making you all my
slaves if that is what you want.

There is no way out Seeklib, this is the future.


> (in case you don't recognize, i'm not really assuming that either will
work out perfectly, I think people fight for the one that corresponds to
the type of person they are.  I, personally, could live with either
> seekliberation

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