--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > If you had just TRAVELED, and seen for yourselves what
> > sane countries do about taking care of their citizens,
> > you would never have allowed this state of affairs to
> > happen. But you didn't. You sat back on your fat asses
> > and believed the "America has the best standard of 
> > living in the world" meme and allowed the for-profit 
> > doctors and the for-profit hospitals and the for-BIG-
> > profit HMOs and the for-INSANE-profit insurance 
> > companies to tell you "what health care really costs."
> Actually, there's a much simpler (and much less
> expensive) way Americans could have become informed
> about the cost of their health care relative to what
> people pay in other countries: the media could have
> told us.
> The fact of how much more we pay *should* have been
> in the first paragraph of every story in the mainstream
> media about health care reform. But it's almost never
> mentioned.
> Total health expenditures per capita, 2003 
> United States $5711
> Australia $2886
> Austria $2958
> Belgium $3044
> Canada $2998
> Denmark $2743
> Finland $2104
> France $3048
> Germany $2983 
> Iceland $3159
> Ireland $2466
> Italy $2314
> Japan $2249
> Luxembourg $4611
> Netherlands $2909 
> Norway $3769
> Sweden $2745
> Switzerland $3847
> United Kingdom $2317
> http://www.kff.org/insurance/snapshot/chcm010307oth.cfm
> > They've been LYING to you. And you've been LETTING 
> > them. The "blame" lies IMO in the laps of those who
> > "didn't do their homework" and find out what drugs
> > and health care and health services *really* cost,
> > and wonder more loudly why they were paying 5-to-100
> > times that much for *their* health care.
> Actually only about twice as much, on average. But
> that's bad enough.
The Media, reflects the collective consciousness of the population.
Secondly, the Media is owned by the same people, who are invested in keeping 
the greedy status quo, on place...
So, depending on the Media, is stupid, in and of itself...
What about the educational system...?
Well, that is also part and parcel of the same system...
We need a complete overhaul of the collective consciousness of the entire 
American Experiment, that has gone, 'off the rails'...

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