--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberat...@...> 
> ...i'm not very full of knowledge on the subject of 
> socialized medicine vs. capitalist/insurance form of 
> medical care...

Seek, I like you, so I'm not going to "light
into you" for this post. I'm simply going to
post a few counterpoints to your points.

> I recently looked up the average cost of health insurance 
> per year for an adult.  It's $1800 per year, roughly.  

Ahem. The last time I lived in the US, as a 50-ish
self-employed male with *zero* history of serious
illness or "risk factors," my health insurance premiums
cost me $600+ per month. That's more like $7200 per year.

Then I moved to France, where I was again a 50-ish
self-employed male not eligible for the French health
care system. So I had to go out and again buy health
insurance from an independent insurance provider. When
I did, I found that the cost of *better* health insur-
ance than I had received for $600+ per month in the
US cost me 235 Euros. 

Per year.

Same 50-ish (now 60-ish) body. Same medical history.
Different country. Different sensibilities with regard
to what health care actually COSTS. *Better* health
care and health care providers.

So far I've been staying out of this "health care debate"
on FFL because it's really not fair for me to participate
in it. I currently live in Spain, where my yearly health
care -- this time including full *dental* coverage --
costs me less than twice what I was paying in France,
400 Euros per year.

You people in the United States are playing "catch up"
after decades of allowing the insurance and health care
war profiteers to fuck you in the ass, without even 
using a little K-Y jelly to make the experience less
painful. It's not the insurance industry's and the
health care industry's "fault" -- it's YOUR fault for
letting things go so far.

If you had just TRAVELED, and seen for yourselves what
sane countries do about taking care of their citizens,
you would never have allowed this state of affairs to
happen. But you didn't. You sat back on your fat asses
and believed the "America has the best standard of 
living in the world" meme and allowed the for-profit 
doctors and the for-profit hospitals and the for-BIG-
profit HMOs and the for-INSANE-profit insurance 
companies to tell you "what health care really costs."

They've been LYING to you. And you've been LETTING 
them. The "blame" lies IMO in the laps of those who
"didn't do their homework" and find out what drugs
and health care and health services *really* cost,
and wonder more loudly why they were paying 5-to-100
times that much for *their* health care.

On this subject, living as I do in a fairly SANE
country, one that sees health care as a basic right,
not a luxury, it really is not fair for me to comment
more on this issue in the United States. All I can
do is echo the Subject line -- "You can't fix stupid" --
and add a sub-Subject line -- "Stupid gets what it 

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