off_world_beings wrote:
> I bet you $100 that Turq never hunted and 
> killed an animal in his life, and then ate 
> it.
It's too late to change the rules - you've
already made a wager. Unless you can show proof, 
you can send the money today - I'll be waiting 
for it.


> > > > > I bet Turq never killed an animal for food in his life.
> > > > >
> > > > How much would you be willing to wager?
> > > >
> > > How do you propose to prove it?
> > >
> > It doesn't work that way; it's your bet.
> >
> > You specify how much you are willing to
> > wager and I match it or raise you and
> > and call your bet; then you show your
> > proof. How do you propose to prove it?
> >
off_world_beings wrote:
> This is how it works Willytex. 
> We agree on how it will be proven.
> We agree on it, And then the bet is on. There 
> is no raising and bullshit...that's for card 
> games. Its a bet. 
> You will now have to prove that he did. And 
> him going out and killing a rabbit now, and 
> then taking a picture of it,  just so that 
> you can win the bet, will not work. It will 
> have to be proven to have been in the
> past. This is how the real world works Willy.

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