> > Fer chirssakes, it's almost a direct quote
> > from the Mandukya Karika by Gaudapada!
> >
Vaj wrote:
> Actually it was originally taken from the Rig 
> Veda, as numerous movement sources attest...
Maybe so, Vaj, but the Rig Veda doesn't mention 
anything about a 'transcendental field' and the 
non-dual absolutism of Advaita. 

So, where, really, do the notions of 'Consciousness 
Only' derive? 

According to S. Vidyasankar, the notion of Ultimate 
Reality being Pure Consciousness comes from the 
Upanishads and from the Advaita Vedanta tradition 
of Shankaracharya, not from the Rig Veda. 

"...the vedAnta view of non-duality, phenomena are 
possible only due to the essential reality of the 
Atman, which is pure consciousness."

Read more:


"The mani-fold universe and the individual self, 
which considers itself bound, are both superimposed 
upon that Transcendental Reality which is brahman..."

Advaita Vedanta:

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