Judy wrote:
> Vaj is more than usually confused and incoherent
> this evening...
Not to mention the fact that neither Shankara
nor Gaudapada, the founders of Advaita Vedanta,
did not quote the Rig Veda in their expositions
on the Consciousness Only purport. 

There's no mention of 'Consciousness Only' 
school in the Rig Veda. The Rig Veda is a dualistic 
pre-Vedanta scripture composed in the fourteenth 
century B.C., long before the origin of the 


The Consciousness Only school if Advaita Vedanta
is obviously derived from the Buddhist Vijnanna 
school of Vasubandhu, which came before the 
of the Mandukya Upanishad.

"Gaudapada is much influenced by Mahayana, Yogacara 
and Madhyamaka. In fact, it can be said that 
Gaudapada represents the best in Nagarjuna and 

Excerpt from Mahayana Sutra Lankara by Asanga:

"Pure conciousness is the only Reality. By its 
nature, it is Self-luminous." (XIII, 13). "Thus 
shaking off duality, he directly percieves the
Absolute which is the unity underlying phenomena 
(dharmadatu)" (VI, 7, Sharma, p. 112-113). 


'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy'
by Chandrahar Sharma, M.A., D. Phil., D. Litt., LL.B.
Shastri, Dept. of Philosophy, Benares Hindu U.
Rider, 1960.
p. 114. 

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