Alex Stanley wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> I agree with Turq and others that he got a bad deal.
> After drugging a 13 year old girl, eating her out, and fucking her vaginally, 
> he shot his load into her asshole and only served 42 days in jail before 
> escaping to 30 years of freedom in France. Yeah, real bad deal.
> I'd sooner say this guy got a bad deal:
> But, the law is the law, and even when a horrendously abused victim commits a 
> crime against his abuser, he's still gotta do the time.

Did you read the link I posted about Victor Salva?   He spent one year 
in prison.  Do you think that Polanski would have fled the US if he got 
one year in prison?  There's the rub.  He feared being made an example 
of and given a much more severe sentence than someone off the street 
would have gotten for the same thing.  This is why so many celebrities 
stay out of the country.  If their accountant screws up their tax return 
often the IRS will go after the celebrity rather than the accountant and 
make a very big deal of it.  This is also why celebrities are backing 

Yup, it was a horrible crime.  I bet Polanski was also stoned out of his 
gourd and didn't realize what he was doing.  He needed a manager there 
who was straight and could keep an eye on him.  That was the additional 
job of many rock star managers: to keep the under age kids out of their 

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