--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stan...@...> 
> That they would even allow a plea bargain in the case of 
> a child being drugged and raped makes me believe that he 
> was being given severely preferential treatment. And, it 
> wouldn't surprise me if Salva's year long sentence were 
> a lot shorter than what someone off the street would 
> have gotten.


That you would say this reveals two things: first,
an abysmal ignorance of the law and how it works,
and second, that you didn't live in L.A. at the
time this court case went down. 

I did. Every day the papers were full of it (in
more senses than one). The prosecutors offered him
a plea bargain *because they were afraid that if
the case went to trial they would lose*. They had
gone over the top and charged him with as many
counts as they possibly could, most of which they
knew they could never prove in court. They also
knew that if the case went to court the girl's
past history would come out, which would risk the
possibility of Polanski being found not guilty
on all counts and walking.

So they offered him a plea bargain and dropped
five of the six charges, in exchange for him plead-
ing guilty to the charge of having sex with a minor.
They stipulated that his sentence for this would be 
reduced to "time served." They assured the defense 
that this had been agreed to by the judge, and he 
gave oral confirmation of this.

So Polanski confessed to the single charge, expect-
ing the deal to be honored. Within a few days, the
judge gave an interview to reporters in which he
said that he did *not* intend to honor the deal,
and would be giving Polanski substantially more
time in prison. Several of the prosecutors in the
case, in the years since, have gone on the public
record saying that *after* the deal was agreed to
they were actively lobbying the judge to do just
this. Polanski "read the cards," realized that the
game was fixed, and bailed. I can't blame him for

What I can blame him for is the original act, and
I do. But that doesn't excuse this travesty of 
justice. The few posts that have been made here
about Americans and their tendency to take their
"dark side" out on celebrities are all Right On. 
Americans just *can't wait* for someone they have 
placed on a pedestal to fall, so they can take 
their everpresent anger out on them. Polanski 
was just the "scapegoat du jour."

Yes, I think he probably should have served more
time than 42 days, too. But the way things were
looking, they were going to try to put him away
for 5 to 10 times longer than anyone else convicted
in California of the same crime. The judge even
made hints about doing this to associates in the
legal profession, all of whom are on the record 
about it.

All of this information on the backroom dirty deal-
ings and duplicity were submitted to an Appeals
Court long ago, and *have never been heard*, 
because the legal system was trying to protect
itself. It still is. And, as reported by the AP,
it seems they have blackmailed Switzerland to 
arrest Polanski and send him back to the US in
exchange for "going light" on Swiss bank UBS,
which they were investigating for hiding money
to enable Americans to not pay taxes on it.

It's all politics, it's all *dirty* politics,
and IMO it all reflects the true Protestant nature
of the United States Of Hypocrisy. "The things
these people did were bad, 'sins,' so we should
torture them until they see God the way we do."

And the amazing thing to me is to see the fervor
and the *perversion* with which many long-term
TMers join in the blood frenzy and the desire for
revenge. I'm sorry, but that's barely human, much
less spiritual.

With Doug, it's hard to tell which of his posts
are put-ons and which are serious. With Edg, we
know...he's basically a simmering pot of revenge
fantasies just waiting for an excuse to boil over.
With other people on this forum, I think the same
thing is true.

They're not being "spiritual" or "moral" or caring
about the "child." They're in it for the revenge
fantasies. They're GETTING OFF on fucking Roman
Polanski in the ass, just as he did with the girl.
The difference is that he was stoned, and they're
pretending to not only be better than he is, but

The whole phenomenon makes me want to spit.

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